Bennie’s Birthday

Grandson Bennie turned 14 on Friday, and the family celebrated by serving meals to guests at the Ronald McDonald House at Childrens Hospital in Minneapolis.  This afternoon was the family celebration in Woodbury.

This was not a routine birthday.  One year ago today, Bennie was just beginning to come out of an induced comma, after a severe auto accident on May 25, 2018.  A year ago there was no reasonable expectation of any favorable outcome.

This afternoon, while healing is not complete, and indeed may never be, there was a much more optimistic view.  The EMT who had gotten Bennie out of the car last May, was at this afternoons party.  Last year at the accident scene as a first responder, he learned that Bennie was from a family he knew from the town.  It was a pretty special reunion this afternoon:

Bennie at left, his rescuer at center, July 13, 2019

The party today was like all parties, each with their own particular character.  The Bennie we saw this afternoon was essentially a normal 14 year old with only one impediment that I am aware of: a severe head injury in the accident has not yet led to recovery of his ability to read.  It has nothing to do with native ability; something in the wiring is awry.  It may correct tonight, or next week, or not.  It’s a manageable disability.

Life is as normal as one can expect for Bennie and his family.  Traumatic events such as his are not predictable, nor is their outcome, in all sorts of different ways.

But the family that gathered today, to watch as the boys attacked a pinata, and Bennie open his gifts, was you can be assured, a happy group.

It was a great afternoon.  Happy Birthday, Bennie.

Congratulations to a great family for hanging in there…

Bennie vs Pinata. It took four boys and plenty of swings to vanquish a very tough pinata. But they did it!

Opening gifts

1 reply
  1. Anna Himel
    Anna Himel says:

    Y’all give a party like us, all family and friends and lots of love to go around. Storm almost over, many had levees breached and places flooded. Need to re-reinforce these breaks. But cattle saved, lives rescued and all seems good. Thank you God for only you can manage this


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