#822 – Dick Bernard: Thursday, Jan. 16, 2014, 7 p.m. Dr. Joseph Schwartzberg on Transforming the United Nations System Designs for a Workable World
Dr. Schwartzberg gets right to the point in the very first sentence of his introduction to his important new 400 page book, “Transforming the United Nations System, Designs for a Workable World“:
“Global problems require global solutions”.
He will introduce his book to us at GlobalSolutionsMN.org Third Thursday, January 16, 2014, 7 p.m. at the Social Hall of St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church in south Minneapolis.
All are welcome. Books will be available for purchase at the event.
Those of us who have been privileged to know Dr. Schwartzberg for a few or many years, know that his simple introductory phrase, global problems require global solutions, has a long and deeply felt history in his long and productive life, going back to the years between WWII and the Korean Conflict.
He has “walked the talk”. Here is Dr. Schwartzberg’s bio, as it appears in the book: Schwartzberg Bio001
(click to enlarge)
Transforming the United Nations System covers an immense amount of “ground” about a very complex institution with a now-long history – the United Nations. It addresses its problems and offers ideas for potential solutions for improvement as the UN works in an ever more complex and interdependent world.
A very impressive array of experts are endorsers of the book, including Ramesh Thakur who writes the Foreword to the volume. The Endorsers of Dr. Schwartzberg work, as printed in the book, comment here: Schwartzberg Endorsement001.
Here is the front and back cover contents of the book: Joe Schwartzberg Book001
Those of us who have been privileged to get to know Dr. Schwartzberg over the years, particularly through the newsletter of GlobalSolutionsMN.org, know his fondness for pertinent quotations.
In Transforming the United Nations, his first quotation appears in the preface as follows:
“The splitting of the atom has changed everything, save our mode of thinking , and thus we drift toward unparalleled catastrophe.
Henceforth, every nation’s foreign policy must be judged at every point by one consideration: does it lead to a world of law and order or does it lead us back to anarchy and death?”
Albert Einstein
Be there, January 16, 2014, 7 p.m., St. Joan of Arc Social Hall, to hear Dr.Schwartzbergs thoughts on our role, and our future, as members a global society.
More about Joe Schwartzberg here.