White Nationalist
The following is being published today (Oct. 31) and will be a link to the Antifa post of Oct 23. This arrangement is intentional; the posts are directly related.
Pre-note: Today (Oct. 24) the top headline in the Minneapolis StarTribune was “Boogaloo linked to [Minneapolis] 3rd Precinct [police station] assault”. Gandhi Mahal restaurant was one very easy block from the 3rd precinct. It perhaps may never be provable, but I continue to believe that Boogaloo or their partners in crime were involved in the mayhem after George Floyds murder on May 25.
Oct. 9 I sent this note to those on my blog list:
from Barbara Oct 9: Thanks for sharing this 20 year old article. Now they have had 20 more years to spread and organize their hate. And stockpile “guns.”
from Maria Oct 9: Thank you Dick, I am donating to the Southern poverty Law Center since, probably, over thirty years. Since the day after President’s 2016 inauguration, one of my posters, in peaceful demonstrations, said on one side “NO ALT RIGHT” and on the other “ NO KKK “.
from Emmett Oct 9: A scary world that has not changed much in 20 years. Hope you and all your family are doing well.
from Mike Oct 9: Very scary next few months. Hoping for a peaceful transition of power, but not at all confident it will happen.
from Molly Oct 9: Good Morning, Dick, and yes, this is chilling stuff–and the depth this has reached in this country is horrifying. Indeed, that article [here] from the National Review that I sent a week or so ago about the decline in required classes in Civics or American Government nails, I think, a lot of the root cause of some of this garbage… Yes– that old saying “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” seems evidenced here, too…As does a lot of the writing of George Orwell…
from Norm Oct 9: Those folks are always out there as well as among us waiting for an opportunity to make a dramatic splash to be seen and to be hear and, in their eyes at least, to be feared and not ignored.
from Steve Oct 9: Really disturbing reading. A country as large as this one, with such freedom of mobility, and personal freedoms (a good thing, often taken advantage of, often misused or misunderstood) is vulnerable. Vigilance, personal responsibility, and a commitment from all of us to the purposes and aspirations of our government (of constitutional authority) is so important. We’ve often let trust and active discussion be clouded and assailed.
from Fred Oct 9: Just read the article. It reminds me that the director of the FBI—name escapes at the moment—noted a couple of weeks ago that far right extremists and racists are currently the greatest danger we face. I see today that some of the men arrested were among those at the earlier protest at the state capitol. They were the guys carrying long guns.
I think organized society is in serious danger of collapse long before the bad weather knocks us down. The collective version of “fight or flight” is not well understood, but it is extremely powerful.
from DH Oct 9: I wish the names of those involved with the Russian Hoax would be released before Nov 3. The documents of proof were recently unclassified so will be released soon. You will notbelieve the names because they are all prominent Democrats.
from Chuck: That article is amazing…in that nothing really changed…except for getting worse. That old saying… the only thing we learn from history is that we don’t learn from history…needs to be edited. We don’t remember what we should have learned for our own survival. One thing I question I want to ask white supremacist… “Do you know how monocultures work out?”
from Lillian Oct 10: [I] read this article on the militants. It is scary especially in light of the recent near Kidnapping attempt of the Michigan Governor. It seems so much of the news implies these hate groups are new or are here because of Trump. As evidenced by this article, they’ve been around for a long time. They are definitely bolder with Trump in the Whitehouse and probably adding to their numbers.
from David Oct 9: Thanks for sending this. In 1967, when I was in college (U of M., Duluth), Norman Lincoln Rockwell, then head of the American Nazi Party, was invited to speak at the student center. There was a bit of protest about providing such a person a forum. In the end, he was allowed to speak. He showed up in his full Nazi regalia. There were a few hundred in the audience, mostly students who treated him as a clown, hooting and laughing throughout his speech. I felt that anyone who saw and heard this guy would immediately see him as a joke. However, had I a better sense of history, I would have known that Rockwell, and people like him, need to be treated seriously. Whether he believed his own “shtik,” plenty of others did, and still do.
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