The World Is My Country
Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2019: the beginning of free week for The World Is My Country. #3, below.
This is about the film The World Is My Country, the inspiring true story of Garry Davis in his youth, told by Garry Davis when he was 90. I hope you read this brief blog.
I rarely urge anyone to “read this”. This is an exception. Please read and share. It will take only a few minutes. For your ease, I’ve provided all the links which appear in #1.
- MOST IMPORTANT: The general description re Sunday, December 8 (Minnesota Public Television), and Nov. 20-28, 2019 (anywhere). World is my Country007. The links included in #1 follow:
- The brief clip about the one hour film is here (2 min 41 sec). At the end of this clip, there may be three additional clips from Arthur Kanegis, one a personal commentary to Greta Thunberg – the one with the photo of Mr. Kanegis. I found this commentary very moving and interesting.
- Sign-up for full film (one hour) preview Nov. 20-28, (possibly till Dec. 1), here. This on-line feature is accessible anywhere. An expanded version of the film is 84 minutes, and was the version shown at the World Premiere in 2017. It is also available.
- Channel finder for TPT (Minnesota Public Television) for Sunday, Dec. 8,12 noon, only in Minnesota area, Click here.
- Minnesota short subject re 1971 World Citizen Declaration here (scroll down to 3rd).
- Response to World Premiere April, 2017 here.
- Where updates will be posted, here.
PERSONAL: My only stake in this film is that I hope it is seen and discussed very broadly, especially with and among young people whose future is ahead. The film is thought-provoking. I first heard about The World Is My Country at a small meeting with producer Arthur Kanegis in June 2011 (photo below taken at that meeting). Later, I asked and received permission to show an early rough draft of the film to a group of a dozen high school students in November, 2012. I wanted to see how young people would react to a story told by an old man of 90 years, about what he had done in the late 1940s forward. Succinctly, the kids were attentive and engaged, even with a longer film, in very rough form.
PLEASE SHARE. The first event begins Wednesday, November 20, available via internet (see #3 above).

Arthur Kanegis explains concept of The World Is My Country about Garry Davis at University of Minnesota, June, 2011. Counter-clockwise from 1:00: Dennis Dillon, Arthur Kanegis, Joe Schwartzberg, Gail Hughes, Bharat Parekh. Dick Bernard taking photo.
COMMENTS (See end of post. Comments received by e-mail are being saved in a draft folder, and will be posted in total sometime after the public broadcast on TPT on December 8. Look back about Dec. 12.)
Once again PBS brings us thought-provoking documentaries. Since I watch Seattle/Tacoma PBS, I may not see this at the same time, but I already know that I will find it meaningful and supportive. In my opinion, we need levels of organization–city, county, district, state, nation, region, and international/UN, to stay organized. But we need leaders at all levels who REPRESENT us, not USE us and their positions of power to use more than their share of resources, and who help us cooperate together, not tear us apart. And we need populations to understand that we MUST learn to work TOGETHER COOPERATIVELY for the interest of ALL, not only for individual self-interests. I think that people have become more self-centered and competitive, and that is becoming/has been our downfall. To save our planet, we MUST be able to work together cooperatively, which becomes even more difficult as resources dwindle, but it MUST be done– VERY, VERY QUICKLY.
Thank you Patsy. There is much to discuss, but for the moment, and for anyone who reads your and my comment, anyone, anywhere can see the one hour film on-line between Nov 20 and 28. All you need to do is make a request by submitting your e-mail address to The World Is My Country. You’ll get a password. It’s very easy.
Will certainly endorse and distribute info about this marvelous film. Thanks for your promotion.
Thanks for sharing, Dick