The Wall, etc.
“The Wall”: A tiny primer to help keep your sanity.
My favorite home atlas is the Life Pictorial Atlas of the World, a major compendium, which I purchased in 1961.
Of course, “The Wall” is about all that we’ve heard talked about recently. Here is the Life Atlas map of the U.S. Mexico border:
Here is a link to an enlargeable pdf view of the same geographic area: U.S. – Mexico Border001
The Congressional Research Service (CRS) has published U.S. International Borders: Brief Facts. Here is the link to the Nov. 9, 2006, update, which I presume is the most recent: There is a great deal of information in this brief report.
1,933 miles: U.S. – Mexico border
3,987 miles: U.S.- Canada border excluding Alaska
1,538 miles: Alaska – Canada border
12,479 miles: U.S. Coastline. (Per the CRS report above referenced: “It is important to note that boundary and coastline distances can differ significantly….” detail at page 3 of report)
Personal comments at end of this post.
1. Yesterday we saw the film, “They Shall Not Grow Old”, about the British participants in World War I. This is an absolutely outstanding film. See the Rotten Tomatoes review here. It is near perfect. This film shows the face of reality of war, using archival film, and narrated by those who served and survived (there were 1 million British casualties in this awful war). Check it out.
2. Especially for readers interested in politics and/or North Dakota: February 11, I posted about Amy Klobuchars announcement as candidate for President in 2020. In the postnote within this post, I referenced an excellent video about former ND Governor William Guy, and subsequent learned of other excellent NDakota based videos. Simply read the postnote. The links are accessible anytime.
I have my personal opinion about the premise of the U.S.-Mexico Wall: the crisis is contrived, playing on irrational fear, and not at all constructive.
There are sections of wall, built over time, for specific purposes. This link is an excellent primer. Much is barrier for vehicles only.
The U.S.-Canada land border is double the length of Mexico-U.S. To my knowledge the only barriers are at the Mexican border.
My roots are in North Dakota and Minnesota. Almost my entire life is here. At the same time, my parents lived for ten years, full-time, in the border town of San Benito TX. Their home was across the street from then-Berta Cabaza junior high school. Except for their first winter, they never were “winter Texans”. They were a short distance from the Rio Grande R (near La Paloma), and about 20 miles from Brownsville-Matamoros (TX-Mexico). We kept in close communication through visits, phone calls, letters.
Other than a hurricane one year; and a major bank failure in town another time, I have no recollection of reporting about any ‘unusual’ occurrences based on border issues. Dad was a teacher, and after Mom’s death, he taught English as a Second Language at the Junior High.
No doubt there were issues on occasion, as there are issues on occasion in every single American community.
Best to do what you can to be well informed.
from Larry: Thanks, Dick…I see that Lindsay Graham and the Trump staffer Stephen Miller are out defending the national emergency decision. This is downright crazy and unconstitutional. There is NO emergency. I just hope they don’t take funds needed for the Red River Diversion project (flood control). Those Canadian and Mexican border lengths are interesting. Here’s that Hill story on the support for the President’s position. Makes me sick to look at the news each morning. Trump needs to go. Keep up the good work on your blog.
from Carol: That link to the CNN article/pics of the border is wonderful, thanks! I will share. (I think Trump must be envious of that golf course…)
from Sharon: Thank you, Dick. This was very informative !!
from Duane: Thanks, Dick….. It supports the idea of common sense…. Unknown to those in politics, and many other areas of power vs people….
from a long-time Friend: Dick, thanks for the map — most helpful to have some semblance of comprehension. In the 60’s we had a more calm, kind world. The drugs were not what they are today. The crime of today is horrific, the crime of yesteryears was not as extensive.
More power to you for whomever you support; I will NOT support Amy K for Pres & will do what I can to keep her from being elected ( I would like her to be treated as she has treated Trump). I believe Amy would fold under the same lies & lack of support that Trump has endured.
Response from Dick: Like my friend, who is about my age, I was in my 20s in the 1960s. I don’t subscribe to the “calm, kind world” characterization of that time in history, given Vietnam, the “cold war”, etc. Today we have instant communication through a multitude of media, not always factual in any sense of the word. Back then, in my recollection, we had a few television channels, radio, newspapers and magazines, telephone…and not much else. Breaking news, including the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963, was primitive compared to today. Later Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy were assassinated, etc., etc., etc. The 1960s, and surrounding years, were not “the good old days”, but they are often held up as idyllic times to criticize the present.
As for comparing Amy Klobuchar and Donald Trump, I am truly mystified.
from Norm: As you and so many others have said, Dick, there is no crisis to justify the calling a national emergency to justify taking funds form other parts of the budget to build the wall.
from Carol: (in response to Dave’s, below) I just read the comment at the end of your post “The Wall” accusing you of having “angry feelings” and telling you to calm down. So I went back and read the (short) article, and saw nothing angry about it (nor have I ever known you to be/sound angry). Maybe this person is talking about a different post? or has his bloggers mixed up?
from Dave: Note from Dick: Dave’s e-mail was received Feb. 17, 2019, but began in reply to an e-mail I had sent Nov. 2, 2018, referring to this Oct. 30, 2018 blog post written a week before the 2018 election.
Putting things into perspective is always enlightening! Lesson to learn: sometimes one can be wrong. The challenge is to admit it and apologize, a gift the Republican President appears to lack.
It must be a tough time being a Republican these days. One would think that many of them would be so embarrassed by the lies and chaos coming from President Trump that they’d be distancing themselves from him. But that seems to be a recipe for the dreaded “primary challenge.” You’d like to see a dose of courage and integrity from that side of the aisle.
Maybe this presents an opportunity for Democrats to reengage with Obama voters who defected to Trump last time around. We’ll see. Personally, I thought that Trump was a gift to Democrats and Clinton in 2016. There’s a large swath of voters out there for whom the Trump “message” resonated. They can’t all be bigots and knuckle-dragging rednecks. Hopefully the Democrats can craft a message that goes beyond “Trump sucks” and “soak the rich.”