#284 – Dick Bernard: advent of Advent
In my own faith tradition, American Roman Catholic, today is the first Sunday of Advent, the beginning of the liturgical year. It is a part of the liturgical calendar in many churches, observed in various ways in the present day.
As the visiting Priest pointed out today, the religious Advent has lots of competitors, primary among them the long-time dominance of consumerism called “Christmas Shopping”. In our society “Christmas” has become centered on business and profits (Black Friday, etc.)
So, the advent of Advent can be and is all things to all people, from just another weekday, to an especially significant religious marker, to a very deeply depressing time.
I’m not exactly sure how I will try to make Advent meaningful in my own life, but I am trending towards looking for and emphasizing the good surrounding me at this season.
Even if my resolution lasts only today, I’ll start with the father and son, both named Philip, who I see almost every week at Church, normally in the side aisle, with Dad pushing his son in a wheelchair.
The Dad tells part of their story in the most recent of Basilica magazine. You can see it here AdventGonzales2010001 . You can read more at Philip Gonzales website here.