Mariann Edgar Budde – human beings
PRENOTE: January 18, “A House Divided“, one week ago, I wrote: “Two days from now will be the inauguration of the U.S. President. It feels, today, much like being in the eye of a hurricane. All seems calm. But no one knows for sure exactly when the chaos of the hurricane will resume and who it will damage worst or how. The prudent persons have prepared for the worst, but if they’re unlucky the preparation will be in vain. The hurricane is all of us. We will determine it’s strength or weakness. We’re all in the path of the storm.”
Add to the above, a tsunami, intended to demoralize and defeat – call it “shock and awe”. Thus far, it has been worse than expectations. This is a madman with a wrecking ball and the building permit to destroy.
Well, here we are. There are at least 75,000,000 of us, and it’s time for us to get to work in small ways and large. The bal is in our court.
There are those who think they’ll be unscathed and can sit this out. How about their neighbor? Their own children, people they know. Everybody but the highly privileged are going to be punished, while being exhorted to accept the dream, never to be realized. Trickle-down on sterooids.
I did four posts between Jan. 18 and today. One is a family history piece. Take a glance at them if you care to, and rest assured, there are more on the way. Jan. 19; Jan. 20 “Inauguration Day”; Normand Collette (family history) Jan 24.
Here’s a place to start: Mariann Edgar Budde
Mariann Edgar Budde is Bishop of the American Episcopal Church and Pastor of the National Cathedral. January 22, she addressed some very specific comments to the newly inaugurated President, and Cathy’s comments below, including the link to Bishop Budde’s thoughts, set the stage eloquently for the work ahead.
Bishop Budde spoke from the pulpit from the heart. She is an example for all of us. Cathy’s suggestion is right on.
from Cathy H January 23, 2025:
Mount St. Alban
Washington, DC 20016
We are a nation of immigrants. In my own case, one grandfather and all four great grandparents came to the United States as immigrants. Being an immigrant, regardless of legal status, is not an abstract issue is not a foreign concept to Americans.
UPCOMING: I will do mostly brief posts on assorted related topics in coming weeks, and would suggest simply checking this space from time to time if interested.
COMMENTS. (more at end)
from Carol: I love that Bishop. She was pitch perfect – and Trump just had to sit there and take it. I did not know she once pastored a church in the Cities. Death threats against a gentle, older lady channeling Jesus’ message – what have we come to.
from Brian: Thanks so much for posting–right on!
from Dick 1 p.m. Jan 26: As it happens, I went to Mass at Basilica of St. Mary this morning (Jan. 26), and following is the second reading for today.

Grandma Josephine (Collette) Bernards very well worn 1911 Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible
pdf of above: Corinthians I Ch 12 12-30
There could be no more appropriate reading for the current circumstance than the above. Where I stand, of course, is what I published above, yesterday (Jan 25). I had no idea what today’s church reading would be, and my guess is that this reading has long been scheduled, perhaps years in advance. Fr. Joe was pitch perfect in his commentary.
The first two comments are at the end of the post. I saw them when I got home from church. I know both writers, and I respect them both.
I have often mused about our divided society. To use the body analogy, can the left side of the body survive without the right, or vice versa. We go a step further: can a society survive where the rules depend on whether the farthest right or the farthest left absolutely dominates. What if a extremely strong head survives, but tries to function with only half of the body – that’s the present United States of America. We shall see. 2017-21 was for practice; 2025 for an indeterminate time is the new reality.
We are facing a time period where the President seems to consider himself a king in many ways. To carry the above body analogy a step further, Can a head function with only half a body; similarly, can a bird with only one functioning wing fly? These are not abstract musings.
At the U.S. Congress, we’ve already had the first decision, a vote by the new Vice-President, to break a deadlock in the U.S. Senate. In my own state, at this moment, the House of Representatives is stalemated in that it cannot reach a quorum, and this is because of a Supreme Court ruling.
We can figure out how to figure things out, including at the Presidential level, or the road ahead is not pleasant for anyone.