Jan. 3, 2025

Suggestion: Print the photo (note pdf link) and keep as a ready reference.  Add contact information for all your elected representatives, local, state, national.  Use it often.

This post has been long planned, but is being written in the shadow of the terror in New Orleans at the beginning of New Years Day, 2025.  This, and the sad but expected death of a personal hero of mine, President Jimmy Carter death on December 29, are much in my thoughts now.  But life goes on, and we have much to learn from past, and much to prepare for in the future.

The U.S. Presidential Election Results are as of December 11, 2024,  the day of required reporting of the election results to the United States  (Certificates of Ascertainment).   January 3, the new Congress will be sworn in must elect a speaker and very shortly thereafter begins the formal process leading to inauguration on January 20, 2025.  (Other 2024 Election Key Dates are  here.)  The remainder of this month is immensely consequential.  Make a point of following the news.

Pdf of the above: Nov. 5 2024 Presidential Election Results.


My comments on this are very brief: Every one of the approximately 240,000,000 who could vote on November 5, 2024, including those who did not vote at all, had a role in the results of the election.  There is no do over for four years, and no modification for two.

I was one of the voters.  So were you, regardless of for whom or even if you voted.

Not represented are over 70,000,000 American citizens who were not old enough to vote on Nov. 5 – not yet 18.  They are the ones who will be most affected by our decision on who voters selected as leaders at all levels in all places.

I was one of the 75 million who voted for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz (that’s why I list them first).  I am aware that my cohort of 75 million has great diversity and immense potential power, but only if we individually acknowledge our own responsibility to work where we live, and to work together.  Living together in any community is never easy – even people of seemingly like minds disagree.  But the alternative to constructive work together is disaster.

I have and will continue to follow politics carefully.  I urge you to do the same, and to act wherever you are every day.

There are a great number of issues in this complicated society, and there are hundreds of legislators all over the country, some of whom representyhou.  You and I and all of us are the ones who ultimately make the difference.   Think of the difference each one of us could make if each of us reached one other person.  Do something constructive, every day, where you live.


President Jimmy Carter and Rosalyn.

Events following President Carter’s death will be announced at the Carter Center website, here.

Here’s a recent post (October 1) I wrote which included a personal section on Jimmy Carter.  You’ll find it near the end of the post.  Scroll down.

Within that post is a link to Jimmy Carterr’s autobiography which he published at age 90, “A Full Life”.  I read the book this past summer.  It is well worth your time.  I have huge respect for President Carter and his lifetime work in multiple arenas, including President of the United States.

UPCOMING:  My next scheduled post is January 5, focus: January 6, 2021.  CHECK BACK.  

POSTNOTE: I learned of the Las Vegas incident after beginning this post and am following it closely, but have no comments to add to the conversation.

COMMENTS (more at the end)