October 31, 2023

Please see endnote as well.

Halloween eve it snowed overnight, the first of the season, certainly not the last.  Something we look forward to, and then wonder why….  Here’s the view from the garage at 9 a.m. Tuesday.

October 31, 2023

It brings to mind another Halloween: October 31, 1991.  I was in Hibbing at the time.  Halloween night – it was a Thursday – started benignly enough.  I recall a light freezing rain.  And then it started to snow, and snow, and snow…by the time it cleared I recall  nearly three feet of snow.  Paralysis.

Yesterdays did not match this, but whatever, winter has introduced itself once again.


Three additional brief musings today:

Some weeks ago one of my daughters asked about a painting we have of the old farm house in ND.  This brought memories of a photo moment at that farm house in August, 1972, following the funeral of Grandma Rosa.

Busch farm August 1972 rural Berlin ND

Of course, I’d seen the photo before.  Possibly I’m the one who took it that day.  This time I decided to identify everyone I could in the photo: parents, aunts & uncles, siblings, cousins, inlays, kids, nephews and nieces – three generations, at the funeral of the last of the previous generation, born 1884.  Eight of the “kids” who grew up in that house were there….  It was not an unusual scrum of large families back in the day.

The names aren’t relevant here.  There were 28 in all in the picture; 20 more who were not, some there but AWOL at the time of the photo.  One cousin not yet born.  The person who asked about the painting, is front and center in the photo, walking towards the group, then nearing three years old, now 51 years older.  There have been lots of changes over the years – that is how moments go in all of our lives.


Monday night, Molly sent her fall poems, “With the leaves turning and falling here in MN, and the first accumulation of snow predicted for tonight (an inch or so, melting soon), it seems like there’s still time for a bit of autumn poetry.” Poetry 2023 Fall.


October 23, Kathy sent a musing about a ‘road race’ in her town, involving herself and four little kids:

Thought you’d get a kick out of this….
You’ll NEVER believe what I did today!!! I drag raced 4 little kids as I was getting back from my ride around the abbey hill on my etrike😜 They challenged me to race them knowing my trike was electric😂 
They had a lot of chutzpah and were faster than me from the start but the electricity outlasted the kid power. We were neck and neck as I turned down my street. Couldn’t believe I took them up on it but could see they were serious😉
The 2 dads on the street were all in! My friends Sherry and Inga were aghast to see the kids and I racing together!  The kids think my trike is pretty cool😎They would love to ride my trike😉


Yes, these are not kind and gentle times – we all can see the same news.  But there is a lot of kindness and gentleness out there, and this is another timeout to highlight that.

October 24, 2023

ENDNOTE: November 4, as promised, I’ll comment on Gaza/Israel one month after October 7.  Here is my original post, if you wish to review it.  Your own opinions are welcome.  Let me know before Saturday.
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