January 6, 2024: QUOTES against Democracy
Ten months from now – Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2024 – is Election Day in the United States.
Dec. 30, Chuck Woolery, long-time subscriber to this blog, sent a writing of his including over 100 “QUOTES against democracy”. Here’s the 21 page document: Democracy compiled Chuck W.
I read the entire document, find it full of wisdom and particularly rich in food for thought and discussion, and asked Chuck if I could share it at this space. Permission granted.
(The 21-page length is not daunting, consisting of over 100 quotations by people both famous and some I’ve never heard of.)
I’d appreciate it if you’d simply open the document and quickly scroll through. At page 20-21 is Chuck’s self-description of himself.
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I want this to be stand alone, so I’ll do a specific post including my own commentary. and hopefully some of yours as well. COMMENTS WILL BE HELD UNTIL JANUARY 15.

Jan. 6 2021 mid-afternoon at our nation’s Capitol.
Thank you for sharing this amazing and enlightening compilation by Chuck Woollery. These quotes and reflections parallel our society and government today. History repeating?
I remain hopeful that US citizens respect others in our democracy, and that political violence never succeeds and is Indeed rejected. TBD. . .
Thank you for posting this very meaningful quotes on democracy. It prompted me to start reading our Constitution as well as understanding the comparison between democratic vs republican government. 2024 will be a year of so much dialog/news for every citizen to provide input on voting, and hopefully resolution of the two wars in progress soon.