Feb. 21: Program Info here.
Today is Presidents’ Day, honoring George Washington(born Feb 22) and Abraham Lincoln (Feb 12).
Last night we watched the first of a six-part series on Lincoln on CNN. It was excellent. It will likely be reprised this week, note CNN for the schedule, which I believe is the next six Sunday nights, one-hour each. Judging by the first segment, this will be well worth your time.
Sorry to be that guy, but I think the correct spelling is Presidents’ Day… It’s the plural possessive tense.
I’ll avoid the debate as to whether or not it’s purpose to combine the vestigial Lincoln and Washington Birthday holidays, or has been expanded since to honor all Presidents.
(Of course, we all know the real reason is to insert another three day holiday weekend to stimulate retail sales and vacation trips)
I made the correction…and I agree with the rest.