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Yesterday, brings to mind The Beatle’s, Yesterday.

There is no adequate way to recap the four days between Thursday July 19 in Milwaukee and yesterday.

Last evening nine of us had a regularly scheduled Democrat conversation group (“Coffee and Conversation”) at a local book store.  Among those attending was a local Legislator, a County  Commissioner, a City Council member, vice-chair of the local Democrats, and the others.  Larry, the convener, brought up the topic du jour.  No one really took the bait, the interest was in more local issues.  This does not connote lack of interest or disapproval.  Not at all.  The political process is working as it is supposed to work.  The rest you will get endlessly on the tube and the internet.  We were just local politically active citizens.

I had brought along a handout, which I have shared before at this space.  It isbelow.  My later 1980s view of the body politic which is all of us, unedited over these past 35 or more years.  Everyone took their copy.  I think it is worth everyone’s reflection, and if my rendition is inaccurate, please comment.  Here is the pdf of the below: Political Scrum original 1987.

There is no rocket science involved here.  As I observed to the table group, even we “birds of a feather” would/could have lots of disagreements about lots of issues.  The need of any society is to work things out.  Unfortunately, the easy way for media and political operatives is to cast everything from the “hard left” and “hard right” perspective, hardly representative of the whole….

Most all of us at the table with me would likely agree that President Biden has been an excellent President, and that Kamala Harris is a. worthy successor, as appears almost certain, as I write, today.  This morning on NPR, I heard J.D. Vance in Ohio advancing a counter narrative.  The current president, Joe,  is the worst ever in all of history, and the successor candidate, Kamala,  is a million times worse than he was.  Off we go.

Enjoy the Paris Olympics which have just begun.  A fellow walker who’s a native of France was saying this morning that the swimming competition will be in a pool in a barge floating on the Seine.  What a deal!  It is hard to imagine, but I’ll look for it!

Of course, there’s a similar political scrum in France, and Europe has similar problems to deal with, as we do.

And today we lunched with our 98 year old German friend, days ago returned from several weeks in her home country.  She’s extremely concerned about our country, as are her native countrymen, should the previous president be returned to office.  More later on that.


President Joe Biden, Sunday

Vice-President Kamala Harris Monday at the White House with the nation’s top athletes

POSTNOTE: I will be doing more items on politics in the political season.  The next scheduled post will be following the Democratic Convention in August, but likely there will be unscheduled ones in between.  Check this space once in awhile if interested.

COMMENTS (more at the end of this post):



3 replies
  1. norm hanson
    norm hanson says:

    Great to see Biden step aside for the good of the country given how the polls as many prominent Democrats were indicating that the man-child who would be king was going to hand him his bottom on a silver platter in November. Votes seemed to be losing interest in voting this time around for the Democrats at least save for Donnie’s cult army who were going to go all out to re-elect their Jesus to assure the end of democracy in favor of an authoritarian strong man government. The MAGA folks focused on Old Joe’s age along with his gaffes and not, of course, on Donnie’s numerous gaffes as well as the fact that he is only slightly younger that Biden. What was that shark deal again that Donnie talked about? The Plan for 2025? Now, that the MAGA folks have an old geezer as their standard bearers aka their Jesus, how will they finesse his age as a positive in a manner opposite to what they hammered on Biden for? I think that Harris will do a fine job if she receives the nomination in the Windy City next month. She has already excited the many voters who likely would vote Democratic and that is refreshing and good to see! Unlike J.D. Vance, Harris is a classy candidate who will serve her country well if nominated and then elected. It is time to get to work for Harris!

  2. Larry Gauper
    Larry Gauper says:

    It’s hard for some of us octogenarians to step back. I did at 65 and have given some very talented younger people a chance to be in executive management. Just because one no longer has a “day job” with all its responsibilities, privileges and perks, it doesn’t mean you’re also dropping out of humanity and some of the professional things you’ve always liked doing.\ Dick Bernard maintains this blog and his mind is active and contributing to current issues, locally and nationally. He’s a good model to emulate and I try to with my blog and my interest in reviving the memories of seniors, as I recall some of the tunes I played as a DJ during my salad days in radio, from Valley City and Fargo, North Dakota, to KSTP in Minneapolis-St. Paul. Garrison Keillor is another example of a writer and performer, who – at age 81 – has overcome a siege of what I believe to be unfair treatment by the long-time public station network his talent helped build. He’s still writing books, doing a national in-person tour, and talking to us on podcasts. But, for the POTUS, Joe Biden – with such an outstanding lifetime record of public service – the time was now to step down. One can’t win a fight with a bully using a whispering voice and a weak countenance. Donald Trump seemed to have everything going his way – a new iteration of “Teflon coated.” In more ways than one he was and is similar to John Gotti, the seemingly “Teflon” protected mafia leader. So, stepping down was an ultimate political sacrifice. I’m now onboard for VP Kamala Harris. Time to reduce the testosterone in the White House and add some needed estrogen. We couldn’t find a more ideal candidate who’s ready to step up and hit a home run for the USA!

  3. Catherine Rivard
    Catherine Rivard says:

    All of the above, and more. Bravo, Joe. I’m terribly excited that Harris will likely be the candidate. I think she’s gotten a bum deal from the media since the start, sexism definitely a part of it in the dark recesses of our collective minds. I remember the days when we barely knew who the VP was, much less what he was up to. In these times, the media has made sure we don’t know much of her activities, which are far beyond the scope of VPs of the past. It’s time she gets fair treatment and I for one will be yelling her name.

    I think that if Harris selects Pete B to be her running mate, we’d have a team that would truly energize the party in a way that it hasn’t seen since JFK.

    It would also embarrass the GOP, who are trying to sell an “inclusive” theme when we all know it’s a lie. Their attacks against any kind of progression for LBGTQ+ are ongoing and they have no intention of changing that.

    Send lots of money to her campaign and shout out when you can!


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