Long term

This is an ‘odd couple’ post, consisting of two recent editorials in the Minneapolis Star Tribune, and an update on a previous post.  Three different topics.

First, I completed reading Cassidy Hutchinson’s memoir, “Enough“, and I summarize it by adding to my initial post about it, here.  Succinctly, the book was a very good use of my time.  I highly recommend it.  Take a look.  Online there are many reviews and it is highly rated.


Second, my local newspaper, the Minneapolis Star Tribune, often has thought provoking editorials, including the following two within the past week:

Climate Change STrib Sep 29, 2023is a very interesting take on the very long term for climate change.   Coincident with, but not because of the editorial, I had sent a brief note to my e-mail list on October 1:

You wouldn’t believe it its October 1 in Minnesota, where today’s temp will possibly be over 90.  Quite often, sometime in October, there will be the first ‘temporary’ snow…not today!

October 4, James responded:

Climate change notwithstanding, this weather is NOT unprecedented!  I don’t think I will ever forget doorknocking for [a legislative candidate] in 2008 on THE SATURDAY BEFORE ELECTION DAY in shorts and a short sleeved shirt.  And sweating.  Sunday Monday and Tuesday were mild too. I think I wore a light jacket on either Sunday or Monday, but did GOTV [get out the vote] on Tuesday in shirt sleeves.    

On the other hand, I equally clearly remember, in 1984, Annearle and I were driving past [Woodbury’s] Jordan Ranch on Upper Afton Road, in MID SEPTEMBER, and it started to snow.  We had just moved to Woodbury from El Cerrito CA (second suburb north of Berkeley) in May, and had lived in the SF Bay Area for just short of 7 years.  As the snow started to fly, Annearle looked at me and said “What the hell have we DONE?”

I responded to Jim, including a copy of the editorial:

Of course this leads to the endless conversation of WEATHER vs CLIMATE and GLOBAL WARMING vs CLIMATE CHANGE and on and on and on!

I happen to be in the camp that says that the least we can do is to be far more responsible as humans for what we have – things like ground water depletion, waste in general, etc.
On the other hand, a long time great friend, a scientist in the aeronautical world, poo-poos climate change as simply a function of millions of years.  

I also sent the editorial to the friend referenced above, to which he responded, also on Oct. 4:

That is an interesting article.  The one thing that came to mind as I read it was that the last four ice ages have been the result of the earth’s orbit becoming elongated due to the gravitational influences of Jupiter and Saturn, so it is possible that the orbit of earth could be moved further away from the sun and the earth could continue to exist after the sun’s diameter is greatly increased as it becomes a red giant as it’s mass and gravity are reduced due to loss of mass with each solar storm that takes place.  But it will be long after we are all gone. 

So…what do YOU feel about this?

Finally, Catholic Synod STrib Oct 5, 2023.  Those who know me, know I’m lifelong Catholic, which does not mean I’m typical, as if there is a typical Catholic.  We are an interesting rabble, and our power is in whether or how we choose to participate.

This second editorial is about the most interestingly named  “Synod on Synodality“.   If you’re Catholic in any sense of that word, or not, I’ll think you’ll find the editorial interesting, and the Synod on Synodality proceedings worth following.

Love it or hate it, the Catholic Church, with all its good and its bad points, is not likely to wither away soon.  And “the Church” is all of us who care.

POSTNOTE AND REMINDER:  As I have mentioned, I follow the national and international news constantly and carefully through sources I consider reputable and fair.  I only choose not to emphasize the increasingly obvious threats to our own democracy at this space, trying to give attention to other things as well.  But I urge you to be aware and be informed.  We are in dangerous times.   

1 reply
  1. Lois Young
    Lois Young says:

    It would be prudent for all of us to do in our use of natural resources and attention to waste management and for the government to pursue a course of how individuals can make a difference instead of “Climate Change” actions. Plastic is at the top of my list the most important change to make to reduce/recycle/eliminate. It is both a very useful invention and a most destructive – just needs to be modified so all animals survive without a man-made danger.


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