Thoughts after Iowa, before New Hampshire, and Jesse Ventura recalled 25 years later

Postnote Jan 21.  #DE#%&^&*E$$$!!!!  I am basically a mild-mannered guy.  Spent most of last week dealing with yet another e-mail issue, and just today e-address am again on-line.   My alternate is sykestonguy46ATgmailDOTcom.   Make note of it.  The problem seemed a bit more complex than just blaming someone.  Glad I’am back


Jan. 16, 2024: I spent some time last evening listening in on the returns in Iowa.  There were about 115,000 votes cast.  This was out of 752,000 registered Republicans among 2,2 million registered voters in Iowa.  If you care you already know the split and the back story as reported.  The turnout was relatively light, but no rocket scientist needs to analyze that.  It was cold.  I had suggested page 5 of the Des Moines Register article for more data.  Link is early in Sunday’s post.

In the aforementioned post I recalled the 2008 Minnesota Democratic caucuses – the one where Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton began their active campaigns for the nomination for President.

The process was similar to Iowa – grassroots involvement at the community level.

Caucuses and later local, state and national conventions are important events for those who organize political campaigns.  There is a tendency to be critical of most everything related to the political process.  On the other hand, there is much to be learned  and applied by those who run for political office at all levels.

Such a process is crucial for the very survival of  large and complex society, as ours is.  An ideal of freedom from government would be a disaster for everyone, including for those who advocate for such.  Government is the glue which holds us together, imperfect as it might seem to be.  And it is always imperfect, because we are imperfect.

Take a bit of time some day to consciously observe what it is that you take for granted which would not exist were it not for government.  For most of us, safe streets and roads are a given, for instance.  Make a list.

If you can, get to know personally who is a government official, elected, a “bureaucrat”, a neighborhood association leader, on and on.  We may not know what they do; we may think their position is a waste of money…on the other hand, their position would not exist were there not some need for it.

The Iowa caucus is not history, and the political process in the U.S. will intensify in the coming months before Election Day in November.  You have plenty of time to become better informed, and to help make a positive difference.

Jesse Ventura

by happy coincidence, my day ended Jan. 16 watching a one-hour documentary on a legendary Minnesota Governor, Jesse Ventura, who unexpectedly (even to Jesse), and memorably, became Minnesota Governor 1999-2003.  The movie is “Jesse Ventura Shocks the World“.

Often such specials are repeated sometime within the next week, so if you happen to be in range of TPT, check in with them.  Next announced showing on local TPT is Monday night, Jan 22, at 8 p.m.  The program is an hour, and I think you’ll find it very interesting and enlightening.

Former Governors Jesse Vetnura (center) and colleague  Al Quie, dedicate a replica of the Liberty Bell at the Minnesota Veterans Services Building, St. Paul, on Armistice (Veterans) Day Nov. 11, 2019. Ventura had been a member of what later became the Navy Seals. photo: Dick Bernard

There is plenty of biography of Jesse Ventura on-line.  My comments below are strictly personal.

Ventura was an unlikely candidate for Governor of Minnesota, at least that is how he was perceived at the start.   He was independent, his given name was not Jesse Ventura (look it up).  His fame was as a ‘professional wrestler’, though being a local mayor and volunteer high school football coach didn’t hurt.  His two opponents for Governor were conventional and prominent Republican and Democrat.  In the end, he beat both of them, narrowly.

No one I knew – I was an active Democrat – could believe the results election night 1998.  Probably Jesse, himself, was among the surprised.  I was with a local Democrat group as election returns were announced, and when he was declared victorious over Skip Humphrey – Hubert’s son – and Norm Coleman.  Both were prominent and respected politicians.  The general reaction after the dust settled would probably best be characterized as stunned.

The day after a  Republican I knew said his vote for Jesse was strictly a whim – he hadn’t warmed to the Republican candidate.  His seemed  a “what the hell?” kind of vote (he won’t win anyway, so why not?).  A very active Democrat relative said about the same thing to me about the same time.  Skip Humphrey had been to his town and seemed to dismiss the local Democrat power structure, of which my relative was an important part.  They felt slighted.

I don’t think either man had ever had any contact with Jesse.  Neither thought Jesse would win, but he did.

“All politics is local” came to have meaning that election night.

We should have known better.  In March of 1998 I was at a state teacher’s union meeting where all of the then-potential candidates for Governor were invited to give their 5 minute elevator speech to several hundred teacher leaders from around the state.  I recall there were at least 8 in the field of prospects then, including Jesse Ventura, and the teacher union audience was an important one.  Jesse’s turn came up, and some teacher leader in the room yelled “Go, Jesse”, and other people were equally enthusiastic.  Nobody commanded the room like Jesse did.  We should have paid more attention.  I still have my tape recording of all the candidates talks that Saturday – it was March 7, 1998.  I have relistened to the tape.  Everyone regardless of party made good presentations.

Not all of the speakers that day ended up running in the Primary election later that summer:  here was the Primary results: MN Primary Election 1998

After the 1998 election, late November, I was at a national conference in Houston TX and offered to convene an evening  conversation about the election for anyone interested.  There was a room full of union staff from around the U.S.  The agenda was simply to talk.  Jesse overnight was a national celebrity.

Ventura turned out to be a consequential governor, in a very positive sense.  He had his own personal priorities, of course.   But he surrounded himself with good advisors for his departments, all who were well qualified, mostly Democrats and Republicans.  And he respected their advice.  Jesse being Jesse, there was seldom a dull moment in his four years (watch the movie).  In the end, he decided not to run for reelection, and the rest of the band of merry folk essentially disintegrated.

Minnesotans who might read this would doubtless have opinions about him and his time in office..

In the interim, if you happen to see this, check out the public television film mentioned above.  You won’t regret it.

PS: One of Jesse’s admirers (who makes a cameo appearance in the movie) was Donald J. Trump.  If one looks closely at the two men, their experience and world view seems to have been almost totally different, though their public persona was similar.  Jesse by and large seemed to take his public charge very seriously; Donald cared only about himself.  The only thing they had in common was celebrity.  There are lessons we can learn from the experience with both.  Will we?

After Jesse took office, one of our office secretaries and myself, started a poster wall of stuff that showed up in the paper about Jesse Ventura – things like cartoons and the like.  We were an office full of Democrats, I would guess.  I seem to recall Wanda telling me that Jesse was the first and only person she had ever voted  for…and, while young, she was no longer a youngster.  There were a lot of Wanda’s that year.

The Jesse Wall at Education Minnesota Summer 1999.

Our office manager put up with the nonsense of the Jesse Wall for awhile, but before too long the posters came down….

There are endless comparisons of Jesse to Donald.  Both were larger than life caricatures of humanity – “stars” shall I say. But if you look closely at the human beings underneath, they followed entirely different paths, which should have been easily discernible by the electorate.

I hope you take the time to watch the film: “Jesse Ventura Shocks the World”.  I think you’ll be glad you did, and that you’ll learn something, maybe even about yourself.

My personal bottom line: buy an actor’s line at your own risk.  It is a good idea to make a clear-eyed assessment of the person actually behind the mask…

Govs. Al Quie and Jesse Ventura at the bell-ringing Nov 11 2019.  Jesse was very respectful and kind at the bell-ringing.  His hand on Gov Quie’s arm said a lot to me that day…A very positive measure of the man.

“EXTRA CREDIT”:  In November I read a most interesting commentary about what it means when someone says they are a liberal.  You might find it interesting: Liberal by Sunstein  

COMMENTS (more below):

from Gail: When I awoke to the news that Jesse Ventura had been elected Governor, I was embarrassed for my state. A wrestler – not even a Real sport!  But I came to admire Jesse, because he was honest and truly independent.

from Steve:  I’ve seen the promotional pieces on TPT for their Jesse Ventura film, but haven’t tuned in to watch the program. Shortly after Ventura’s election, our daughter, then in her mid-20s, told us that the only people she knew who did not vote for Ventura were her parents. I don’t know if that was just a facetious comment, or had a foundation in truth. No matter, the returns showed that more people voted for Ventura than either of the alternatives.

Jesse’s approach to “politics-as-usual” was obviously appealing to plenty of people. After the election, I had a local DFL campaign chair speak to a class I was teaching at the University. He said that Jesse’s campaign was a phenomenon that he and his colleagues couldn’t understand: “At a weekend campaign event, Jesse told the story of his visit with a prostitute in Nevada. After the encounter, Jesse said that she gave him ten bucks.”
The Democrats thought that Jesse’s story had been the indiscretion that would sink his campaign. “But when polls came out on Monday, his approval had gone up five points.”
I was working at the University’s Humphrey School at the time. The day after every election, students and faculty traditionally got together in the auditorium to talk about results. After Jesse’s election, one of the Senior Fellows and former US Ambassador, Geri Joseph said: “We should form a committee to offer Jesse help because he has no experience.”
I thought Geri’s comments were turned around. It was Jesse who had taught both Republicans and Democrats a lesson. Voters responded to someone they believed was genuine, did not appear condescending, and expressed feelings they held in common.
That doesn’t mean that Jesse was some kind of savant who could straighten things out. Far from it. I thought his attitude and resulting policies were short-sighted, sometimes selfish, and unwilling to accept a serious analysis of his proposals. His tax program has had a lingering and difficult effect ever since the “Jesse Checks” were approved by the legislature and distributed.
Do you remember when Charlie McCarty was elected mayor of St. Paul–might have been 1971? A city council gad-fly, whose confrontations with council members and mayor became a regular part of the evening news, became a kind of folk character—again, standing up to official politics and poking them in the eye. He decided to run for mayor and was elected—Jesse Ventura had been mayor of Brooklyn Park, I believe, but Charlie McCarty was just a character, a kind of populist with the same sort of attitude and appeal. He didn’t like what the city government was doing and he told them so—often and without any attention to traditional decorum.
I’m willing to make the comparison—Ventura and McCarty, and there are other examples in our past–to former president Trump. Not an appealing thought.
Thanks for your recent post

from Georgine: Aloha Dick,  Wanted to share with you that I cheered when Jesse beat Norm Coleman.  He was not in my book a respected and prominent Republican Politician.  I got to know Norm when he was a democrat and I was active in democratic politics.  Coleman is a lot like Trump.  He has a very high opinion of him self and little respect for other people, especially women.  He naively tried to involve me in a process to manipulate the women at a Democratic party convention.  He believed he was going to be president one day, and when the Democrats figured out what a creep he was, he became a Republican.  I always said that he thought he was JFK.  He in reality was a Trump.  I was so happy when Jesse crashed his dreams of ruling the world.  Was sad for the State of Minnesota but Jesse did the USA a big favor.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

Democracy, revisited

You may have heard that the Iowa Caucus is Monday January 15 (see comment from Larry at end of this post).  More, if you wish, from the Des Moines IA Register: Iowa Caucus 2024. (For me, the most interesting data is on page 5 of the article.)

If you’re not sure where Iowa is:

Minneapolis-St. Paul is about 240 miles from Des Moines.  Chicago is about 330 miles and New York City 1,100 miles east; New Orleans 1,010 miles south, San Francisco 1,825 miles west….  Iowa has 3.2 million population; Minnesota has 5.7 million, U.S. is about 330 million.

We’re a large country.  At the same time, as a democracy everyone eligible to vote has a single vote, whether billionaire or the most common person.  It is a great right, and an awesome responsibility.


Last week, I posted a commentary from Chuck Woolery about the Danger of Democracy.  I sent it along because I found it very interesting and concerning: a statement of uncomfortable truth.

If the post passed you by, here it is again.  Agree or disagree, the points made apply to politics past, present and future.  We, the people, in a democracy. ARE “politics”.  We are the ones ultimately and always responsible for who we elect to represent us, by action or inaction.

By choice, I am a modern day Democrat – the party that dealt with its roots in slavery.  Every post I make includes my self-identification (at right on this page.)

A favorite quote is the one attributed to Will Rogers in the 1930s.  “I am not a member of any organized political party; I’m a Democrat.”

To this day, Democrats are criticized for being a disorganized rabble, and the criticism is justified as far as it goes.  Democrats (democracy) is a big tent philosophy which encourages different voices.  Democracy represents we, the people, as we are in all our rich diversity.

Democracy is the antithesis of authoritarianism, which seems to have become the philosophy of choice in today’s Republican party.


I don’t have any nifty one liner to add to Chuck’s fine collection of quotations seemingly against “democracy”.

Neither do I have have any opinions about what will happen in Iowa on Monday, nor about the pull quotes which anchor the news about one side or the other down there.  Were I a resident in Iowa, I would be no different than I am as a resident here: a single but essential voice.  I would likely attend and participate in my caucus, as I have always tried to do here.

What does Democracy look like?  And how can each of us have a positive impact?

Every single one of us is part of one, often many, family(lies), and I’m not talking about a family where everyone marches to the same drummer.

One of aggravating constants of any functioning family unit is inevitably tension requiring negotiation to not only survive, but thrive.

For every family unit, this looks different.

A suggestion: make your own list of who you define as “family” in a personal sense in the course of a normal day.  If you do this with an open mind, you’ll find differences of opinion and philosophy which must be constantly negotiated.  My family lists do not include my “birds of a feather” which “flock together”: the people I totally agree with, all the time.  Come to think of it, there aren’t any of these!  There are all varieties.


Wednesday, Iowa will be old news, and the focus will be elsewhere, New Hampshire, etc.  There remain about ten months till Nov. 4, 2024….  Show up, well informed.

This is a time to get actively engaged as part of the body politic – demonstrate what democracy looks like.

POSTNOTES: In side conversations during the preparation of this post, there are some  brief threads which relate.

About Chuck Woolery’s post (there were also a couple of comments at the end of this post):

Fred: Got this last week and saved a bunch of them.

Kathy: Thought you might like to see what brother Tim has created from his work with Native Peoples and differently abled folks. (Video here).  Let me know your thoughts

Frank: Well, I plowed through this and it makes me shake my head in sadness as I find myself agreeing so many times with statements I would have found to be blasphemous fifty years ago. Thanks for sharing.

Larry: It looked very much worth printing…so I printed it for keeping and reference. It took 11 pages on both sides…no prob. I have my old laserwriter for that…the color printer for anything that requires color…thanks…will give you my take after I digest it…LG

In February, 2008, I remembered a memorable precinct caucus in Minnesota – the year Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were the main event.  I was writing to two local friends.

Dick: Do you remember Feb. 2008?  I went to see Barack Obama on February 2 (it was Saturday), and the next Tuesday we went to the caucus at Oak-Land Junior High.  It ws bumper to bumper on I-94, and finally I walked about a half mile into the school to cast my presidential preference on a scrap of paper – they had long since run out of the prepared ballots.  (I had dropped Cathy off at the school first).

My preference: Hillary Clinton, because I thought she had more relevant experience….
I’ve always regretted not taking a photo out at Oak-Land that night.
That’s what I’’m thinking about as Iowa looms next week….

Joyce: I well remember that caucus night; my daughter was trying to keep things under control in our room, and failing, despite doing everything possible. I didn’t see Obama at the Target Center, but I did see him at the Energy Center right after he got the nomination.

Sue: I remember the caucus at Oakland Junior High too. The parking lot filled up quickly, and some people (like Dick) had to walk a fair distance just to vote in the presidential preference poll. I was there early because, as I recall, I was manning a table in the front of the building. As far as I can remember, they haven’t had a caucus night there since. Although the school has been (or is being) enlarged, so maybe they’ll start again.


Mary in New York State: Hi all…in case you missed it there is an event in IOWA on Monday.  I know none of you are there to participate but I was curious how many of the folks that I associate with regularly even knew where the state was… I completed a straw poll which included ushers and book club members in my age group, lifeguards at the pool, and random other folks.  N=20 so it was small.🇺🇸🇺🇸♥️

NO ONE could place it with all surrounding states, about half thought it was somewhere in the middle of the country (yea) and knew it was near Minnesota, too many put it in the south or west, and a couple just said really undereducated things like  “Is that a state?”.
I am hoping grandkids may be better informed but wonder if everyone should post a United States map on the back of the bathroom door.

Joyce in Minnesota: This reminds me of some of my former coworkers back in NYC. As I was preparing to move to Minnesota, they asked me what I liked about the state; one of the things I mentioned was how beautiful the Mississippi River looks as it winds through the state. My former coworkers told me that couldn’t be right; the Mississippi River, they said, was in the south.

John in California:  To Mary : What a revolting development!!! I think you need a better set of friends….

As a seasoned world traveler I, of course, know exactly where Iowa is, and have crisscrossed the state in multiple directions – including visiting the High Point  of Iowa, which (believe it or not) is on the crest of Iowa Highway 60 in Northwest Iowa. And frankly, the only reason that I went down that road was to get to the High Point of Iowa.
But I digress… Unfortunately, your informal poll only serves to strengthen the arguments presented by somebody in one of Dick’s latest blog – 118 Quotes Against Democracy. Pretty much the  overarching theme of that article was that people are too dumb to be trusted to govern themselves…

Sue: These stories remind me of the responses I got from classmates (from all over the U.S.) when I enrolled in a graduate program (in psychology) at Sonoma State College (now University) in northern California in 1975: “Minnesota – that’s east of the Rockies, isn’t it?

Joyce, a number of these scholars were from New York.

Sean in Houston (with tongue firmly in cheek!): I thought Iowa was a county in Western Illinois or Southern Minnesota.

Joyce, again, and Sue: There was a New Yorker cover by Saul Steinberg, years ago,  showing how New Yorkers view the world.  Sue: Yikes! Things are even worse than I feared.


from Larry: I find it rich — and rather abominable at the same time — that Iowa’s “Republican event” is on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

from Peter:  As to democracy, I think all the complaints about it are really about people who are woefully undereducated in just what it is. In my various conversations, especially amongst diverse indigenous people, it seems to me that democracy is very much older and more sophisticated than any of us in the “west” realize. But we have lost or forgotten or never understood the other component, the thing that happens when somebody in a real democracy goes off the rails: the others quickly surround them and hold on until they recover their sense of community (there are many creative ways this is done).

There is a tribe in the Congo that has danced the same dance for seven thousand years; and when one of them gets sick, they paint a red spot on the head of every person down to the smallest, newest baby. They do this to spread the malady as thin as possible, while all understanding that they are taking on part of the burden of this illness. Seven thousand years is a long time for a culture to last, and it isn’t because they got set in their ways. Au contraire, as they say in Paris, France.
So my take on the wonderful list you sent along is that it says more about the various speakers than about their subject; and yes, people are contentious and silly, but better democracy is not going to address that one.

Responding to Peter: Of course, I know you now for over 20 years, and while I’ve never met Chuck in person, but there is long connection there as well.  I think the two of you would get along famously, pretty much on the same page (though I know you both as very capable of standing your ground!). Anyway, this is one of the advantages of having this network, now so many years around.

from Flo: Being a Minnesotan since 1968, and having friends from Iowa, I had no trouble recognizing where it is!  Glad I don’t have to vote there, but living and voting in Hubbard County MN certainly has made our votes count for less!

Regardless, please vote well informed, with a clear conscience! Hope Minnesota will continue to have among the very best voter turnout nationwide.

from Mary:  Interesting post.  Which shall take precedence?  I will watch a few snippets of caucus but likely wait for the rehash.  Maybe I am in the Isaac Asminov category ………. ‘my ignorance is as good as your knowledge’.That snippet of his quote seems to fit way too often.

from Deb: Interesting article.People need to get out and cast their vote. It’s odd that only 55-60% vote & others don’t exercise their right. It matters when all vote, at least everyone has opinion.  Can’t imagine being in Iowa today, it’s a nasty day to be on the road for anything…

from Jeanne: I think there may be a few more than one or two Democrats in Iowa but there is no way to tell because they don’t vote and they don’t talk to each other. Lol

January 6, 2024: QUOTES against Democracy

Ten months from now – Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2024 – is Election Day in the United States.

Dec. 30, Chuck Woolery, long-time subscriber to this blog, sent a writing of his including over 100 “QUOTES against democracy”. Here’s the 21 page document: Democracy compiled Chuck W.  

I read the entire document, find it full of wisdom and particularly rich in food for thought and discussion, and asked Chuck if I could share it at this space.  Permission granted.

(The 21-page length is not daunting, consisting of over 100 quotations by people both famous and some I’ve never heard of.)

I’d appreciate it if you’d simply open the document and quickly scroll through.  At page 20-21 is Chuck’s self-description of himself.

Sharing of this post is encouraged.

I want this to be stand alone, so I’ll do a specific post including my own commentary. and hopefully some of yours as well.  COMMENTS WILL BE HELD UNTIL JANUARY 15.

Jan. 6 2021 mid-afternoon at our nation’s Capitol.

The Christmas Tree

More than once over the years a retired elementary teacher friend has told me the story of her team teacher colleague, Ron, and his Christmas tree.  This year she gave me a photo copy of the tree as of December 2023.  To me, the photo is worth more than the usual “thousand words”….

Here is the entire story: “In 1985 my teaching partner Ron was told he had bone cancer, and he would not be alive for Christmas. So. he bought an artificial tree. He and the tree are still up.

Any extra words are superfluous.  The diagnosis was dire, about 38 years ago.  Life goes on.

I’m told this photo is of the exact same tree as 38 years ago.  The tree has seen better days, but every day it is there, a reminder of a time without hope for its owner.


Christmas trees or variations on them are a part of the tradition of this season for many of us, as the old years ends, and a new year beckons.

Ron’s tree prompts a suggestion:

Rather than focusing on the hopeless – easy to do in this troubled time – spend a few moments thinking of one happening in the past year which was memorable in a positive way.  Something you’re grateful happened in your own life:  ONE thing in 2023.  Some other year?  More than one?  Can’t think of anything?  Fine.  Just give it a thought.

(No need to share.)

All best wishes for a good New Year in 2024.

Thank you, Kathy.


Midweek daughter Heather and I went to the new movie, Wonka.  It was Heather’s choice.  I found it a most positive film – one of those children’s film made for adults.  There are lots of reviews.  Check it out.  Wonka Movie Reviews.

Motivation for this post comes from a long ago poem I first read in “The Best Loved Poems of the American People”: Loom of Time, selected by Hazel Felleman.  I saw the poem when I purchased the 1936 book i n 1961.   I still have it.  I include with the poem the introduction to the original.  The book is still available, here.


from SAK:  Touching that Christmas tree story & although I am pretty damn pessimistic looking at what’s happening here & there I liked your: “ spend a few moments thinking of one happening in the past year which was memorable in a positive way.  Something you’re grateful happened in your own life:  ONE thing in 2023.”

I also liked Peter’s update [comment below] of Spike Milligan. Some give up on drink, some on cursing . . . Spike completely gave up on the past year.

Wishing you & yours a healthy & glorious 2024 – it’s gonna be exciting anyhow!

from Arthur: Excellent post! Happy new year!

from Claude:  Thanks, Dick. I’m hoping you have a great 2024, a year that promises to be fascinating!  Thanks for all you do.

from Chuck: responding to an editorial in The Washington Post on Dec. 22 2023:

Regarding the Dec. 22 editorial, “How the battle for democracy will be fought — and won”:

The Editorial Board must look beyond the box in defeating authoritarian advantages in framing democracy as dysfunctional. Democracies are dysfunctional. They can’t react instantly with a workable solution. And if they do, it’s only momentary in stopping the problem. Independent nations with independent agencies cannot quickly stop globally interdependent challenges. Authoritarians can act quickly and forcefully. Then they can quickly adjust if they fear a citizen revolt, making them appear strong and wise.

Democracies’ lag times at best yield only reactionary solutions. Combined with citizens’ unrealistic expectations for best results, problems are unlikely to be solved. Quick and effective responses to pandemics, immigration flows, violent extremists, destructive weather patterns or economic pain caused by interdependent global influences are not going to come from either form of government. Neither can deliver what’s actually needed: addressing root causes. This would require international cooperation and coordination on a level unseen since the global eradication of smallpox or hosting the Olympics.

Democracies moving in this sensible direction would require a majority of wise and patient voters insisting on it. Freedom certainly matters to them! But protecting a nation’s freedoms requires wisdom, responsibility, accountability and a democratic majority of virtuous voters. An authoritarian leader needs only patience and to placate citizens. Both systems of government can expect a rougher future.

Chuck WooleryRockville

The writer is a former chair of the United Nations Association Council of Organizations.



UPDATE  on Gaza Jan. 6, 2023:  David Cooley, a local member of Veterans for Peace in the Twin Cities wrote a commentary on Gaza on the Winter 2023 VFP Newsletter.  It speaks for itself: Vet for Peace comments on Gaza Winter 2023.


All Blessings on this most most contradictory of days: Christmas.  Virtually everyone knows some version of the story of the birth of Jesus and for 1,700 years infinite observations, from sermons to commentaries have endeavored to bring meaning to the birth of the child in Bethlehem.

Apparently, the annual events in Bethlehem have been cancelled this Christmas.  This day we’ll participate by livestream at Basilica of St. Mary Minneapolis 9:30 a.m. CST.

This year, I’ve decided to share a few words about my singular visit to Bethlehem, Thursday Jan 12, 1996.  The photo below is from the nativity scene purchased at a Palestinian shop in Jerusalem on Jan. 14.  That story is in my post for December 10, 2023.  The second picture, at the Manger,  is from Grandma Bernard’s 1911 Bible.  I was there, in person in January, 1996 (more below). Here is a UNESCO article about the holy site.  This article includes much background information and 18 photographs.  The Bible text we read at the site when I was among the visitors was Luke 2:1-20.

Nativity 1996. Some of the 18 Olive Wood figurines, purchased in Jerusalem January, 1996.

Briefly, an afternoon in Bethlehem, Thursday Jan. 11, 1996:  Bethlehem is only six miles from Jerusalem.  I was there 6 years before construction of the Separation Barrier began in 2002.  The wiki article about Bethlehem is linked above.

Like so many other Biblical sites in the Holy Land, Church of the Nativity has a divided jurisdiction.  In its case, it is jointly administered by Greek Orthodox churches, the Custody of the Holy Land, and the Armenian church.

The Christian group I traveled with appeared to have a substantial number of  Orthodox from places like Pennsylvania.  As I witnessed personally, many of them were church choir members with wonderful singing voices.

We arrived at the Church of the Nativity coincident with an Orthodox funeral beginning in the upper church.  We watched from the side.  This was like a funeral you’d attend anywhere, with only the liturgical differences.  The deceased seemed to be an elder in a family.

The church itself is very ancient, and at the time of our visit there was some reconstruction/repair work in process.

The Manger site itself is below ground level, and we could approach the site.  (More on all of this can be seen in the UNESCO photos and text linked above).  This was a place of reverence, and closely supervised.  We were there only a short time.

In the town square, at the edge of which is the Church, was a very large banner supporting Yasser Arafat in an upcoming election.  It was the sole political indicator that I can recall seeing.

“The little town of Bethlehem” is larger than 2,000 years ago, but still a tiny place in comparison to nearby Jerusalem (perhaps 30,000 against about 900,000).

These days I wonder if there are many groups like the one I was part of who can come to Bethlehem.

There is more that I could offer, but leave this suffice for today.  All blessings.

POSTNOTE: In a couple of weeks, at this space, I’ll share some personal comments about how I see this time in history.  Check back.


from Brian: From a Colombian friend in Berlin–Merry Christmas!

from Michelle:

“Christ in the Rubble” 2023 image by artist/iconographer Kelly Latimore @KLICONS is inspired by those in nearby Bethlehem.
“Churches in the Holy Land have canceled big Christmas celebrations in favor of quieter, somber worship services. The move is meant to draw attention to the violence in Gaza and the West Bank.” LISTEN TO NPR STORY

from Judy: My singular visit to Bethlehem and the gift shop was in January 1988 right after the first Intifada began.  I feel fortunate I was able to go because it is much harder today for tour groups to have this experience.  I of course am so saddened to see how Netanyahu is handling this crisis..

from Larry: Thank you Dick.  I don’t know how I feel now, but I have often in the past wanted to visit what is called THE HOLY LAND.  Mary Lerman and family moved back from Jerusalem where they had moved to in retirement.  Mary is a friend, the Mpls Park Horticulturalist, who engineered turning an abandoned magnificent rock garden (built by one of the park system founders) into the Lake Harriet Peace Garden.  I am done at Plymouth church Drop In end of the year, so just organized my last Christmas chapel where Drop in Folks do all the talks, Bible readings, and special music.  I normally have not been on the program, but this one I told Tolstoy’s magnificent story, WHERE LOVE IS, THERE IS GOD ALSO.  These days often reminded of the story of someone asking Gandhi what he thought of Christianity.  “It would be a good idea,” he said

from Fred:  Thanks for this interesting memoir. We’ve made lots of journeys but never to Israel.

Closest we got was Constantinople another place, as you know, we a substantial place in both Christian and Moslem tradition.  Merry Christmas,

from Kathy:

from Carol:


Today is Winter Solstice 2023.  Molly offers some seasonal poems at the end of this post.  All best wishes for all that is good at this season, and in these times.

A North Dakota retired farmer sent his Christmas letter recently, including this photo: “Sunflowers…in 1980s”

The photo brought memories for me.

The farmland pictured was perhaps four miles from the farm where my mother grew up.  Back in the day, I would try to set aside a week or so each year to go back to the farm and help Vince and Edithe, my uncle and aunt, with whatever, usually in August or September.

In at least one of these years – likely in the 1980s – Uncle Vince had a go with growing sunflowers.  As summer went on, his field looked exactly like this one: beautiful.

Of course, farming (and life, for that matter) is not seamlessly pleasant, and as I remember, growing sunflowers had a downside for Uncle Vince – so sunflowers were a brief diversion for him from the more normal wheat.

As the sunflowers matured the ample heads filled with sunflower seeds.

Sunflowers had their downside for the farmer.  Along with being a yummy place for assorted insect pests, a sunflower patch nearing maturity was a banquet site for blackbirds, and sometimes, hundreds and maybe thousands of them would drop in and enjoy a free meal. A vexed Vince would take out his shotgun and fire a few rounds, which would temporarily spook the blackbirds far across the field, but they’d always come back.  Of course, the other insects didn’t much care.

Vince was a gentle man.  Looking a blackbird in the eye, shotgun in hand, he’d never shoot the bird.

Even had he wanted to, the blackbirds had the advantage and  common sense.   Fields were large, and days were long.  “Come on in!” seemed the invitation, and they accepted, happily.


Farming is an honorable profession, with its abundant risks and sometimes its rewards.  One of the rewards is vistas such as the photo.  Best to savor the moment, as the photographer did, above.

As we head full tilt into winter, maybe this photo will bring to mind some of your own memories, wherever you live or lived.  Vince and Edithe were they still alive, would be looking forward to the seed catalogs to arrive, a break in winters isolation.

All best wishes for a very good Christmas and New Year.

POSTNOTE: I’m not a farmer, and as I was contemplating this brief post, I wasn’t sure that Vince’s nemesis was blackbirds.  Maybe it was just my imagination.

I searched ‘sunflowers and blackbirds’ and indeed the crop and the bird have more than a casual relationship.  Just search the two words – sunflowers and blackbirds – together, and you’ll find plenty of articles.  Same with sunflowers and insects.

POSTNOTE 2: Ty, in another Christmas letter, offers a quote from Goethe, with a comment: “We are adjusting in our own ways to the virus.  Now it is time for us to make the “new normal” part of our lives.

May your holidays and New Era be filled with happiness, good times and good health.”

POSTNOTE 3, from Molly:

Enclosed are some relevant poems, plus 2 rather wonderful bits of music… from the classical (John Rutter–the dark part) to Gordon Bok–who sings the light. Solstice 2023 Molly.  [The links to the music referred to are here and here.]
Blessings to each of you, as the season of Light returns,

Peace on Earth….

Previous posts this month: 1st, 5th and 7th.

I have been thinking of how I can most constructively approach this distinctly unpeaceful season of peace.  What follows is a small attempt.  Sunday we were at a magnificent Christmas program at a large suburban church, St. Andrews Lutheran in Mahtomedi: “How Great Our Joy!”  There had to be at least 1,000 of us in attendance, for the first of two performances.  My mind wandered to a less pleasant scene in today’s Israel….

Earlier, Friday evening, daughter Lauri and two of the grandkids, Kelly and Lucy, came over to help decorate the Christmas tree – an annual tradition.  Saturday morning I noticed a bedraggled box by the television.

The box is very familiar to me.  It was delivered in early 1996 from Israel. It’s contents are 18 carved olive wood figures of a typical nativity scene.  I had purchased it in Jerusalem at a Palestinian shop which I think catered to Christian visitors to Israel.  A group of us had gone to the shop one evening.  The box, my purchase, was cleared for shipping by the Israel Postal Authority.

The set was expensive, and worth it.  Every year since,  the contents of the box are on display during the Christmas season.  Then it goes back into the same box till next year.

This year the box takes on particular significance to me: there is no peace in Israel; and no indication that sanity will return any time soon.  Hostilities are being ratcheted up, rather than tamped down.

Our trip to Israel in 1996 was about 11 days.  The January 11 itinerary included.Bethlehem, about 6 miles from Jerusalem. Among other visits was Yad Vashem. There was not yet a separation wall.  That was to come beginning in 2002.  The visit to the shop was after the visit to Bethlehem.

I have noted previously that 1996 was not a time of palpable tension in Israel, at least not felt by this visitor.  Yitzhak Rabin had been assassinated by a radical Jew in Jerusalem a couple of months before we arrived, but there seemed general calm.  We were allowed into the Golden Dome on Temple Mount.

Fast forward. I am very discouraged by the events of the past months.  Nonetheless, I hang onto the tenuous thread of hope, though punishing a group for the sins of a few, what seems to be the case now, is not and has never been constructive.  It does not work.

Which brings me back to the box….

The Nativity set, 1996.

I wish us all peace.  That 1996 Nativity set, photo above, in a sense melds Muslim, Christian and Jewish in Israel in a cooperative way.  I think it was Palestinians who carved the pieces, and sold me the product; Israel Postal Authority delivered the product to me, a Christian, in the U.S.

Maybe the box and its contents are something of a metaphor for the not always pretty reality of our own lives.  Maybe, the external box reflects how we feel about the tattered state of our country and world, but may not reflect the reality of who we really are – the people in that church sanctuary on Sunday.

More than ever, that set reminds me that we are all in this together.

Whatever your belief of tradition, don’t give up.  Work for Peace.


from Sharon: I especially liked the sentence of the Palestinians carving, sent from israel and arriving to a Minnesota christian. I, too, have an olive wood nativity set. My brother, Dallas, was a tour guide in Israel back in l962 and purchased it for my parents. Through the years, Mary got lost. I  have taken one of the shepherds and placed her behind Baby Jesus in the manger. Great article today. Merry Christmas. We must keep the faith.

from Florence: Thanks, Dick. Without a doubt we’re challenged these days to remember that “Christianity” is just a small part of the faithful in a world that too often overlooks others, including animals (land and water) that are much larger to much smaller than we are, but are equally a part of creation.

Our Christmas season figurines are making their way to the “barn”, occupied solely by a cow now, including the Christ Child in a manger, that won’t arrive until Christmas Day, December 31. Then we can begin to celebrate Christmas through to the arrival of the Three Kings. Before that we’ll be baking cookies and breads, entertaining friends and family, including Eric and Holly to celebrate their birthdays, and helping to deliver meals and participate in the Legion Hall dinner on Christmas Day.
We will also be entertaining friends here at home, at the cabin (if the weather allows!), and at least one dinner out with friends. Meanwhile, I’m trying to finish reading a book for our League book group, for discussion on Wednesday. I’ve started creating our Holiday cards from those we’ve received over the past three years, but am not at all sure when they’ll be delivered. Handwriting short personal greetings in each card will be challenging, without a doubt!
Very best wishes as this Holiday Season progresses through another New Year!

response from Dick: Our nativity group seems less active than yours.  It hasn’t found its home just yet, but will reside there until it returns to the box.  This is not to say we don’t try to act in the spirit of the season.  Also, I’ve always been abundantly aware of the fact that the labels “Christian”, “Jewish”, “Muslim”, etc. are by no means “one size fits all”.  Just look at all the variations within and among denominations, including such variations as atheist and agnostic, etc.  As a kid, I can remember when there was such animosity between Catholic and Protestant (both Christian) that one would have nothing to do with the other, with (they felt) justification.




December 7, 2023

Those who follow this blog know that I have often remembered Uncle Frank Bernard who perished on the USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941.  Search his name (the magnifying glass at upper right corner) and you will find many references.  Most recent was Dec. 7, 2022.

My main engagement re Uncle Frank this year has been to participate in a DNA-match process, to possibly match myself with some remnant of Uncle Frank preserved long ago, but not identifiable.  The odds are very long against such a match, but any possibility is worth the effort.

This year is by no means a routine December 7, in places like Gaza and Ukraine.  Today is the first day of Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights.

Today, I remember and honor everyone who has perished at the wrong end of a bomb or bullet, anywhere, any time.

Yesterday came another one of those ‘forwards’ that I feel is perfect for this season.  It speaks for itself.


December 5 post: Liz and Rachel.

POSTNOTE:   I published the blog this morning, and have been thinking all day about the “bomb or bullet” reference.

“War” today far exceeds its traditional definition.  Sure, the weapons are the way they were, albeit much more sophisticated.  But they have been augmented by even more dangerous weapons: lies, disinformation, misinformation, and on and on.

How do we change the conversation, one person at a time, where we live.  The “To-Do” list above is a good start.  Words, too, but the adage “actions speak louder than words” speak too.


Liz and Rachel

Liz Cheney’s book, “Oath and Honor“, is out today, and my wife wanted a copy so it’s in the house.  We watched the interview with Rachel Maddow last night.  Liz self-identifies as a “conservative”, Rachel as a “liberal”, both on the left and right flanks of the population, but neither at the ideological extremes.

Rather than review the book, or the positions, which by now are well known to anyone wishing to learn what the “sides” feel, I’d like to briefly comment on what I was seeing and feeling at the time of the interview last night.

I start from what I think is a generally acknowledged public perspective.  Both are women, well known and respected. and thus subject to public attention and also to attack from opponents who consider them to be powerful

Liz Cheney, born 1966, is a lawyer, was a three-term Republican Congresswoman in leadership in the House of Representative, daughter of Dick Cheney, former vice-president of the United States.

Rachel Maddow, born 1973, is a graduate of Stanford, and has a PhD from Oxford, and over 20 year career in broadcasting.

The wiki links give a good description of both accomplished women.  They would self-describe as ideological opponents, at the same time, last night, they met as equals, and I was impressed.

What also strikes me is that both are powerful women actors in what were, in the older days, places where men dominated, and in many ways still dominate, though considerably more nervously.

I have noted for years the steady rise in conventional power of women, persons of color, and more recently youth.

When I graduated from college in 1961, I had not long before turned 21, the then-legal age to vote.  So I could not vote.  Then, 18 was selective service “Draft” age; 16 was the age for getting a drivers license, and possibly other threshold ages for various things.

Race of course, has been at minimum a source of quiet tension.

In organizations where both men and women were engaged, men were the designated leaders – it was not fought about, it was understood – an assumption.  On a number of occasions, on a personal level, I’ve had occasion to make lists of leaders, and the farther back one goes, the less likely one finds women as, for example, Presidents of even small organizations.

It’s hardly a mystery why women’s suffrage didn’t happen until almost 60 years after the Emancipation Proclamation.

Today, the ceilings remain, and there is tension as youth, people of color and women push at the boundaries.  It is probably natural that people of my gender, race and age tend to push back.

But the change is happening and I for one am happy that it is.

POSTNOTE:  Thinking more about the above, we tend to be imprisoned by implanted attitudes that we learn as we grow up.  In the simplest view, there are the generalizations which cause us problems: women view the world differently than men and would do a better job of governing; young people don’t know as much as elders, and without supervision will screw things up; people of color, poor people, immigrants who look different, don’t speak our language, etc., are not as good as we are.   On and on.

In our culture, people who look like me are the ones who got their start “on third base”: being a white male has had its advantages.  As barriers continue to fall, restrictions of opportunities for others decrease, in all of the ways we notice.  That is very threatening to people who look like me.  In general, I think one the very long term, we will find that people are people regardless of all of the artificial barriers.

One of the insights from the Liz and Rachel conversation is a brilliant statement of the obvious.  Imprisoned within their bubbles, liberal and conservative, it was difficult, perhaps, to understand that they really are quite decent people, and maybe even can like each other as a person.  This is one thing we seem to have lost in our polarized political conversation.  Any cracks in the wall of division are welcome, in my opinion.




Please see postnote at the end of this post.

It has been another event-filled time in my life.  I was again orphaned on the internet, this time from Nov 22 – Nov. 28.  probably thanks to some denizen of the dark web, the real reason or identity or location of the perpetrator never to be known.  So I start over again. (“Arrival”, this posts title, seems a synonym for Advent, soon to begin, and appropriate as a header for this post.)

Yesterday, Molly sent her usual collection of poetry for the season.  I’m privileged to be part of her list.  There are a couple of pages: 2023 T-day

Kathy sent along an inspirational phrase passed along by a friend.  It is very appropriate for this or any season:


Molly had called me during Rosalynn Carter’s celebration of life.

Nov 29, 2023

I watched the entirety of Rosalynn Carter’s farewell in Atlanta.  Very moving.  Jimmy, her partner for 77 years, was in attendance and then in Plains, Georgia, their home.  They were and are heroes of mine: small town folks who cared for others for a lifetime.

President Carter, near right side front row, Nov. 29, 2023

The Carter’s represented the United States honorably and effectively.

My son and I visited Plains GA in June, 1977, a few months after the Carter Presidency began.  Plains was and remains  small town, much like those I was familiar with from North Dakota days.  We were enroute to Florida, and I at least wanted to see Plains, which is about 50 miles off the freeway.  There was not much to see in the small town (pop. about 500).  Carter’s were not there, of course; you couldn’t get close to the house; we didn’t see the school both attended; we did see the peanut warehouse.  This was before brother Billy’s escapade with Billy Beer.

Plains Ga June 1977

Three years later, in January, 1980, I had a singular opportunity to sit at the Carter Cabinet table in the West Wing for a briefing.  Neither Jimmy Carter nor vice-president Walter Mondale were there that day, but it was still a unique experience.  The Carter presidency was friendly to public education.  I’ll add a photo from that day at the end of this post.

The post-presidency years were amazingly productive ones for the Carters, who were in their early 50s when their years in the White House ended. Personally, I think their positive reputation will live on, in some ways like Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt.  Sure, Jimmy Carter had only a single term, but his accomplishments were many and were positive; and Rosalyn was by no means a casual bystander.  And they did not rest in the over more than 40 years  following the presidential years.  Their contributions to the betterment of humanity worldwide are well documented.  They showed up.  I last saw President Carter in person in Minneapolis, as he spoke at the 2015 Augsburg Nobel Peace Prize Forum.  He was about 90 at the time, and very impressive.

March, 2015, Minneapolis, Augsburg Nobel Peace Prize Forum.  photo Dick Bernard

The Carter Center well represents the Carter’s legacy to this country.  Johnathan Alter’s book, His Very Best, about Carter’s life and work, seems very worthwhile.  Carter himself was a very prolific author.  I have a dozen of his books here.

Our country and our world can be grateful for their service.

Dick Bernard, January, 1980 White House, Washington DC

POSTNOTE: 6 p.m. on November 22 was the last e-mail I received until Nov. 29.  If you sent an e-mail to me in that period, I’ll never see it.  There were increasing suspicious intrusions and ultimately Apple shut down, and then cancelled, my e-mail address.  Six days later I set up a new account, with a new e-address.

I’ll continue the blog, of course, probably essentially the same general frequency as before, but I probably won’t send reminders.  Best strategy, if you wish, is to check the archive (at right on this page) for the current month.  For example: for November 2023, click  HERE.  Scroll down, most recent is first on list.

POSTNOTE 2: Dec. 2: Subsequent to the drafting of this post came the announcements of the deaths of Henry Kissinger and Sandra Day O’Connor. both of the same generation as the Carters; both very prominent in their own niches.  I will stay with the Carters exclusively for this post.