Bump Stock

Occasionally in life there are memorable events.  Sunday morning at Basilica of St. Mary in Minneapolis was one of these, for me, and probably for many.

Today’s newsletter at Basilica of St. Mary had an attention grabbing headline “The Idolatry of Guns and the Scourge of Gun Violence in America” by Pastor Fr. Daniel Griffith.  It speaks for itself, you can read it here: Fr. Dan griffith Gun Violence Jun 16, 20240002.

Everybody gets the newsletter as they enter, and habitually I read the commentary, written by one or another of the staff.  They are always learning opportunities.

This Sundays was by the Pastor, who happened also to be celebrant at the 9:30 Mass which I attend.  It was his message which I read in the newsletter.  I was surprised that his message focused directly on his article.  After all Guns are hardly issues on which everyone agrees, and a good topic to avoid.

My personal measure of this message came from the response of the Congregation at its conclusion: total quiet.  No applause, no boos, however one defines those terms.  What I heard was active listening.

Basilica is an important church – the co-Cathedral in this diocese.  What is said matters.

There is hardly any doubt that what Fr. Griffith said and wrote was vetted beforehand.  Every word is open to interpretation and misuse, as we all know.

Two days before the Mass came the Supreme Courts “Bumpstock” ruling.  The newsletter commentary had been written some time before that, likely in the wake of the most recent deadly shootings directly affecting Parish members and the greater community surrounding it.

Bumpstock only accented the importance of the message.

“Guns” are no stranger on this page.  I note this is the 97th post touching on the topic.  I need say no more.

Do read the commentary referred to above.  And as is always the case, individual action is important.

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