Presidential Primary Election Day – Super Tuesday March 5, 2024

POSTNOTE March 6 6 a.m.: Minnesota returns here.  For context, there were 3,542,947 persons who. could have voted; typically, Minnesota has very high voter turnout.  About 11% of eligible voters split their vote between the two most popular candidates.  (Voters had to choose one ballot: Republican, Democrat, or Legal Marijuana Now.)  My “favorite” candidate: Vermin Supreme, who got 404 votes, presumably one of which was his/hers for Legal Marijuana Now….  Of course, there will be endless analysis, and polls and more polls….  Have a great day, and get involved.   It’s our country and it’s fate is in our hands, literally.


Today is “Super Tuesday”, and Minnesota is one of the 15 states and one territory holding primaries. Rules for each state vary.  Minnesota’s March 5 is Presidential preference.

Last Wednesday I voted early in Minnesota’s Presidential Primary.  It was a single issue ballot.  Note that this vote is only Presidential preference.  I expect a low turnout.  I hope my expectation is incorrect….

The regular Minnesota Primary is August 13.

It can be confusing.

More detail for the 2024 primary’s by state and territory can be read here.  You will note differences between the individual states.

Here’s a history of Primary elections in the United States from the Library of Congress.


Last week I attended the Precinct Caucus, which was, for me, the kickoff of campaign 2024 in Minnesota.

Those of us who attended the caucus, and expressed an interest could become delegates to upcoming conventions at the Senate District, then vie for delegate status at Congressional District, then State Convention, then National Convention.

The process is an orderly and well organized one, with the ultimate objective of endorsing candidates and approving resolutions reflecting the  political party at large.

In last weeks post I included a note about upcoming events, as well as as a note from the chair of my Senate District about upcoming events for any resident of this district.   It is reprinted below.


In my case, my Senate District official Convention is Saturday, April 6, and is open only to elected delegates selected at the Caucus (people who could not attend the caucus, could pre-register for delegate status).

Following is the Congressional District Convention on Saturday, May 4, then the State Convention (Duluth) May 31 – June 2.

I have attended all of these Conventions at one time or another; always the Senate and often Congressional.  They are always very interesting, and those attending take their work very seriously.

The Democrats National Convention is in Chicago Aug 19-24; the Republicans in Milwaukee Jul 15-18.  The actual election is Nov. 5, 2024.

I am nearing age 84, and there is a time and a place for everything.

I am a strong supporter of Joe Biden/Kamala Harris.  At the same time, my mantra has long been that the youth, women, and persons of color need to play the major roles in the future, both because they will live in what results far beyond my own mortality; and their issues are very crucial to their own future.

Another personal mantra: we citizens ARE “politics”.  What we get (and often deride) is exactly what we choose in this democracy, fragile as it has become.  Traditionally, more than a third of eligible voters don’t even vote once every four years.  And often those who vote only vote for a single candidate, with little knowledge of the implications of their vote.  This is a disgrace.


“Below the Fold” – for readers in my own Minnesota Senate District #47

State and National Politics always get the most attention from the media, but the really important work is what is done at the local level.  And often times, local issues take on great importance in special elections including school issues, and the like.  It is not enough to vote for one person one time every four years.

There is a special event on Thursday, March 14 from 5:30-8:30  pm at Woodbury Middle: HotDish Challenge!  Cake & Pie Auction.   School cafeteria (use the entry facing Valley Creek>. Suggested $20 family donation + bid on auction

I asked the local chair to input on this issue, and below is what she offered.  She has been a very committed chair.

School Board campaigns & the CD4 Central Committee.
NOTE: CD4 is Congressional District 4.  Our local school district boundaries are in two Congressional Districts and this is simply an effort for efficiency.

1) Local elections for School Board
This year, CD4 DFL has jurisdiction over SCHOOL BOARD elections. 
We invite people to run for a position on the DFL CD4 Central Committee.  Email SenateDistrict47ATgmailDOTcom.
Why? Do you pay attention to extremist “Moms For Liberty” and MN Parents Alliance candidates?
They Ban books; Don’t say gay; Anti-vaxxers; Private school vouchers to deplete public school funds) More information here.
ISD622 and ISD834 candidates can ask the DFL CD4 for a Letter of Support.  Info here.
Follow them on Facebook: here

2) Local campaign Carpool Drivers
Our youth volunteers need DRIVERS for RIDES. Can you volunteer to drive carpool to pick up one or two teens, bring them to a (25) or (50) Door neighborhood for a 30- or 60-minute DOOR KNOCK or LIT DROP, then return them home? Info Here
3) Get involved – Volunteer or serve as a Leader
March 21 and April 18 – election for Precinct level positions and general volunteers
The SD47 DFL Central Committee seeks people to help us ELECT MORE DEMOCRATS.
Email SenateDistrict47ATgmailDOTcom to get started.

Wherever you live, you are urged to become active in the political process, particularly being an informed voter, and contributing in other ways.

POSTNOTE. March 5, 10 a.m.: This mornings Minneapolis Star Tribune had an editorial on the importance of voting.  You can read it here: Star Trib Editorial Voting Mar 5 2024.

After reading this I was at breakfast in a popular suburban restaurant.  Some older guy was loudly proclaiming to his friend how they were killing democracy taking away his right to vote for his candidate. Of course, he was talking bout the Supreme Court decision yesterday, which was quite the opposite of his declaration, and at any rate an interpretation question.  I thought to myself, this is the kind of guy who’d be the pull quote example on evening news of how one side is thinking; and the reporter would be looking for a polar opposite, probably in the same restaurant.  At least, that’s how I see the news being reported most any time.  Controversy sells papers, so to speak.  Reasoned dialogue is what we need, but its boring….

March 5 noon:  Many thanks to Joyce for sending along Jay Kuo’s commentary on yesterdays Supreme Court decision.  You can read it here.  I wrote back to her: I agree with Jay Kuo on this. Even in my less-than-exalted career of attempting to resolve grievances of teachers, I was always aware of the peril of not having boundaries – it was possible to see chaos if care wasn’t exercised by both labor and management.

Get out and vote.

COMMENTS (more at end of post):
from Sue: Great message, Dick!!  I voted this morning! There were two voters ahead of me & two behind.  One was a young, BIPOC female. She asked for a Republican ballot.  I was perplexed – of course, said nothing. But, it occurred to me that perhaps she voted for Nikki Haley. That’s going to be my conclusion … & that way I’ll be able to sleep tonight!