Voting, U.S. Senate Bill 1

It is anticipated that additions will be made to this post, specifically about Church and State, and Jobs.  Consider checking back at this space by the weekend.

POSTNOTE, June 23 8 a.m.:  See first comment at end of post, and read America Impossible.  America is not “them”; it is everyone of us.

Pre-Note:  Take the time for the on-line discussion on racism with Letoya Burrell on Wednesday June 30 at 6-7 p.m. CDT.  Details here, scroll down.  No cost.  Preregistration is requested.  Join the conversation.


It has taken virtually the entire history of the American democracy, 234 years, to enfranchise almost all categories of American adult citizens.  The struggle continues.  This is no time, there probably never will be a time, to relax.  Citizens must be active.

This afternoon about 5:30 p.m. EDT, begins the first vote in the formal process of working towards a more perfect union. At the same time there is aggressive action, primarily at state, but also national, level to diminish and even eliminate hard fought gains, making it more difficult and more confusing for certain kinds of people in certain places to exercise their constitutional rights.

The issue is Senate Bill S-1, summarized here.

An excellent entry point to learn more is here,  

Those who will be voting on the future of this bill are people elected by citizens like ourselves.  Our Senator should be our focus.  All the rest is argument.  Get involved.


Sunday night we watched the 2014 outstanding film, Selma, about the Civil Rights era around Voting Rights.    It remains available on-line and well worth your time as a refresher, or as a first time primer on the issue of Civil Rights.

COMMENTS (more at end of the post).

from Joyce, a must read from Heather Cox Richardson for June 22, 2021.

and another, from Joyce: Six annoying words” from Digby, June 24, 2021

Just Above Sunset June 25: Beyond the Anger.

from Joyce: “Confident Assertions” – the Weekly Sift

POSTNOTE June 27, 2021: There is a seeming never-ending litany of additions I could make to this post: Power and the Catholic (and Baptist, and other church) leadership power struggles; who should be able to vote…or not…in this country; the Pulse nightclub now a national monument, and the ongoing conversations during Pride month, and on and on and on.  Let me summarize with a lawn sign long in a daughters front yard in a twin cities suburb.  It speaks volumes, in these times.

June 25, 2021 Apple Valley MN