Carole Lewis Anderson: Reflecting.

Carole is one of those on my mailing list, a long time friend, who sent me the following reflection which deserves its own space.  Thank you, Carole.

Carole Lewis Anderson

Dear Friends:

2020 was the most provocative year of my life.

Most analyses have focused on the bad news. There has been much of that, driven by the actions of the Trump administration, and the systematic murdering of black Americans, followed by the first in-a-hundred-years pandemic, with its attendant toxic individualism.

The Trump administration, timed with the maturing of the Internet, has brought together extreme groups, which heretofore had existed in local isolation. Those individual voices of intolerance have existed since the founding of the country.  The Internet has enabled them to create communities of likemindedness. Trump has given his imprimatur and the implicit right to forego courteous conversation, which had enabled disparate societies to function together successfully. This, combined with the silence of the members of the GOP, has shown that “never-again”s can recur, as long as those in power remain silent. That broad lack of courage has contributed to the expansion of Covid-19 with its huge death rate, and to attempted unconstitutional actions. An affirmative vote on the President’s impeachment might have mitigated the worst of the pandemic and stopped policies that desecrate the Planet and threaten our democracy.

As a result, the very existence of our Republic is in question. The health of the Planet has been dramatically further jeopardized. The refusal to rely on experts, and the unwillingness to listen and learn have become tokens of pride. Over 70 million Americans voted for Trump. Fiction-based media has popped up, and Twitter-based groups have established large followings.

But, some good news has sprung from this catastrophe. We elected a moderate and decent person as President, and importantly, we elected a progressive person as Vice President. 

Let’s take this moment to revisit the definition of progressive: “happening or developing gradually; favoring or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas”. 

What the bad news has shown is that America needs to become progressive. The pandemic surge has proven that we need a central healthcare system; that pharmaceutical companies and hospitals should not operate for profit; and, that the poor and infirmed should not be sacrificial lambs. 

The self-aggrandizing administration’s appointments and actions have shed light on the still imbedded racism on which the country’s early growth was based. We need progressive policies to root out racism in many of our institutions, and to underscore the value of education and the efficacy of diversity.

We did not need the pandemic to highlight the often unreported murder of black people for “being black”. We need progressive policies to reform the role of police in our communities. We need public ownership of prisons, which should be reformulated for repair and recovery of those incarcerated. We need enhanced community services and low-income housing.

The economic fallout from the pandemic has disproportionately affected the poor. We did not need a pandemic to expose the greedy underside of U. S. capitalism. To wit: excessive wealth  for some while an inordinate number of Americans live under the poverty level. We need progressive policies to redress these issues.

The pandemic has given many of us time for introspection. Please feel free to share your thoughts on 2020, and importantly on 2021. I would love to listen.


A New Year

19 days remain until Joe Biden is inaugurated as President of the United States.  As we all know, this is not a peaceful transition in the American tradition.  It’s anybodies guess what will happen between now and January 20, and after

I strongly support President Biden and Vice-President Harris.  My primary ask was for a change in “tone” from the office of President: a United States of America, not competing individuals in tribes.  Biden brings great experience in office from local to U.S. Vice-President for eight years.  The job of President is an incredibly difficult one under the best of circumstances – everything is wrong in someone’s point of view.  The departing President had no experience and no apparent interest in learning.

Tone matters.  And experience.

Biden/Harris were elected with over 81 million votes; their opponents received 7 million less.

Almost a third of all eligible voters in the United States – about 80 million – did not vote for anybody in Nov. 2020.

I – indeed everyone of us – are the proverbial grains of sand which in aggregate make a beach.  We aren’t noticed, but without us there is nothing.  We have to be the change we seek in this country of ours.

Best I can do is witness to my own beliefs about what is best for my country and our world.

Each individual counts…but we need to be on the court to succeed.  A note pad someone gave me years ago says it well:

Change will come if we work for it.  We begin from a position of strength, not weakness.  My side got 7 million more votes.


(My comments on the past four years were published December 31, 2020.   Take a look.)

A tip for 2021: A group of which I’m a long-time member, Global Solutions MN,  has embarked on a series of Third Thursday movie discussions.  Participants are asked to watch a selected film at their home and at their leisure, then on the third Thursday, if they wish, to participate in a one hour zoom conversations.  Here are the details for January:

Citizens for Global Solutions, Minnesota is proud to present the “Third Thursday Global Films Discussion Group.”
Each month, CGS-MN will share the name of a film or documentary with a global perspective, chosen to expand our horizons and educate us about the world.
Film (2011) | Running time: 1h 47 min
Director: Dennis Gansel
Available at: Amazon and YouTube
**A high school teacher’s experiment to demonstrate to his students what life is like under a dictatorship
**Watch the movie on your own and then join us to discuss the film.
DATE: Thursday, January 21, 2021, at 7pm (Central Time – USA)
RSVP to me receive the zoom link
COMMENTS (more at the end):
from Carole Lewis Anderson: a long reflection that deserves its own space as a blog this day, here.
from Marion: “Best I can do is witness to my own beliefs about what is best for my country and our world.”  There’s no better “best,” Dick.  Keep at it.

from Laura: Thank you so very much, Dick! Your words are so well-written. Of course I concur with them all.

As I prayed for you this morning, I also am thankful for your friendship and your support for me.
I would join your discussion on Thursday the 21st, except it’s zoom for one of my  book clubs, and I’m the coordinator that evening. Of course I’ll watch the film anyway. By the way, the book I’ve selected that we’re discussing is called The Women of Copper Country, about the 1913 copper strike in upper Michigan. It’s excellent, so you may want to pick it up.
from Len: Happy New Year to you and your wife and family. I am counting on 2021 being a better year and wish you all the best.