#623 – Dick Bernard: "Radio Silence"; Franco-Fete; Le Vent du Nord; and Lori Sturdevant

For the past few, and for the next few days, this blog will be relatively inactive. The primary activity for this blogger is to help make a success of a major Minneapolis-St. Paul event called Franco-Fete which can be read about here, here and here.
Succinctly, Franco-Fete is in four distinct parts: Friday evening Sep 28, at Our Lady of Lourdes Church Minneapolis; Saturday during the day, and in the evening, at DeLaSalle High School on Nicollet Island in Minneapolis; and Sunday Sep 30 at noon into mid-afternoon at St. Boniface Catholic Church in northeast Minneapolis. All details are at the above websites.
For anyone with even a small interest in things French or French-Canadian, Franco-Fete will be an stimulating and interesting time.
8 1/2×11 event poster here: Poster (letter-size, image) (r03)-1
Of course, life goes on in the larger world of politics, etc.
For everyone, Lori Sturdevant in today’s Minneapolis Star Tribune writes a column “How do we break down our walls?” that is well worth reading.
Here’s to civil conversation – as impossible as it seems to be!