
#464 – Rev. Dr. James Gertmenian sermon: A Culture of Contempt

NOTE FROM DICK BERNARD: An advantage of having even a small network to communicate with is the ever present, and increased, possibility of a nugget dropping in unannounced and unexpected.
Such is the October 16, 2011, sermon “A Culture of Contempt” of Rev. Dr. James Gertmenian, pastor of Plymouth Congregational Church in Minneapolis.
Rev. Gertmenian’s is a powerful and very timely commentary, related to and generally commenting about the currently raging Occupy Wall Street, 99%, Gospel of Success and similar movements.
Here, with Rev. Gertmenian’s permission, is the pdf of the sermon: Gertmenien Oct 16 11001 The sermon is also accessible in its entirety, including the audio version, here.
My friend who alerted me to its existence, Mike Romanov, said this: “I’m Jewish, but this really moved me. You probably know his scriptural references much better than I.”
The Christian Scripture Text is Luke 1:39-56. I include here that text as it appears in my grandmothers 1906 Douay-Reims (Catholic) translation: Luke 1 39-56001
Dr. Gertmenian applies this text in his sermon.
Whatever your relationship with religion, organized or otherwise, I urge you to read and reflect on Dr. Gertmenian’s message, and then act.