
If you have any interest in the future of our society if the alternative to Joe Biden and the leadership of state and national political leadership prevails on Nov. 5, don’t say, after the fact, that you weren’t warned.

In the last couple of days I’ve watched the first installments of two new programs that will bring fresh new views of a distressing reality that derailed Germany in a dozen awful years; and has at times been a close call in our own United States, and is in fact prevailing at this very moment.

Your choice.  If you choose to watch/listen, both are doable times and very engaging.  At the very least watch the first segment of Maddow’s Ultra 2. and the first hour on Hitler and the Nazis.  I have watched both.  Short synopsis: we, the people, pick our poison.  Nobody does anything to us.  We do it to ourselves by who we elect to represent us. My opinion: the Germans did themselves in.  We can easily do the same thing.

Here are the programs:

1) Rachel Maddow’s second round of Ultra, first segment premiered yesterday; 30 minutes, several more to follow I presume once a week.
2) The brand new Netflix documentary on Hitler and the Nazis.  It is chilling and eye-opening context on our present.
Watch the programs and spread the word.

3) Complementary is the June 12 commentary from Heather Cox Richardson with a brief history of the insidious role of disinformation in the public sphere.  It is also worth your time.

POSTNOTE June 14: I watched all episodes of “Hitler and the Nazis” on Netflix.  The six episodes are new, about one hour segments, and very relevant to the present day in which we are living.  If you’re not sure, take time to watch the first episode to get an idea.  This is not abstract ancient history.

Quick review: The crucial target audience for this film are politicians and camp followers of Trump  who think they have things all figured out.  Hitler had huge support among the public in Germany, from all subgroups, including women.  In the end, everything collapsed for everyone.  It is an object lesson for especially we in the United States.  Elections matter, and those who think they don’t make a difference and who decide to not vote at all, or vote for hopeless ideals, will drag us all down.

This is the only year in my lifetime where I will declare to anybody that the only vote that matters is for the Democrat candidate for any office anywhere.  This is no year to pretend the stakes.  There is no longer a “Republican” party that deserves the name.