#18 – Dick Bernard: A re-view of Mother's Day
Sometimes seemingly dis-connected happenings converge, causing one to re-think what previously was thought to be obvious.
This has happened to me in recent weeks, regarding Mother’s.
“Mother”, it seems to me, is a whole lot more than solely a biological function; and it is much more than a designated day in May. It is joyful, tragic, complicated. It is all those things, and much, much more. It is 24/7/365 for all of us.
In particular, this Mother’s Day, I think of my cousin’s niece, a young mother of two, who is struggling with cancer in a hospital room at the University of Minnesota Hospital.
I think of my cousin, who’s not been a biological Mom, but who’s been a primary visitor to that hospital room, and in a substantial sense has become a Mom, too, for her niece in a time of need.
Nearby in my own neighborhood is a retired couple whose son and two children live with them. It wasn’t what retirement was planned to be. For whatever reason, the biological Mom was unable to cope with the business of parenting. One is tempted to judge, but such happenings are seldom if ever routine.
Then there are the Dad’s, too, who for various and sundry reasons have become “Mom”, too. Perhaps their spouse died, or couldn’t cope.
Indeed, the Mom business is very complicated; the Dad business, too.
And our role as part of the greater Community in all of this is complicated as well.
Give some thought, this day, to “Mom” in all of the renditions of the term.
And have a happy Mother’s Day, everyone.