Franco-Fete Nouvelles Villes Jumelles (Franco-Fete Twin Cities) Sep 28-30, 2012
This weekend is Franco-Fete at the Nicollet Island area in Minneapolis. It’s been publicized before at this space. There’s still time to check it out, register and drop in.
All details are here.
Scroll to near the end of the site for a copy of the ten page conference program – the same program folks will receive this weekend.
There are four parts to the program. Participants can pick and choose. Fees are very reasonable, and the program is suited for all ages.
A. Friday beginning at 5 p.m. French dinner at historic Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Minneapolis, followed with a tour of a church and a concert featuring French music by noted Twin Cities performers. There will be limited additional seats at the concert for persons interested only in the music and not the dinner.
B. Saturday during the day is a jam packed conference with talks, seminars, music and performance events with a Francophone and French-Canadian flavor. (Don’t speak French? Don’t worry. We know that most do not speak French.)
C. Saturday evening at DeLaSalle High School, the beginning of the United States tour of the Quebec Juno (Grammy) winning group, Le Vent du Nord. This is a phenomenal group, performing in Quebec Folk style with Celtic features. I’ve written about them previously here. For this event only, tickets can be purchased on-line at Brown Paper Tickets. Tickets will also be available at the door the evening of performance.
D. Sunday noon and early afternoon at St. Boniface Catholic Church in NE Minneapolis, the West African Francophone community will host a Mass in French, followed by a lunch.
For sure, check out the website right away, particularly the program booklet.
At this late date, payment for tickets should be sent to Franco-Fete c/o Dick Bernard, Box 251491, Woodbury MN 55125. Use registration form at the site. Phone information from Dick at 651-334-5744.